
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Feb.6-Feb.7


Hi there. I'm spinn.teramoto, the director of the Akihabara housing ltd., a house music lounge. The first weekend of February in Tokyo had an atmosphere that reminded me of the beginning of spring. This week, on another pleasantly sunny weekend, I'll be doing my annual introduction of new house music.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. Dave Anthony - Nibiru

Atjazz師率いるAtjazz Record Companyからリリースされた、ロンドンのDJ・Dave Anthonyの「Nibiru」。素晴らしい密室感。青空に抜けてくような開放的なハウスもいいけど、にじり口から入る茶室のような密室ハウスもいい。

This is "Nibiru" by London DJ Dave Anthony, released by Atjazz Record Company led by master Atjazz. It has a wonderful sense of dark and secret atmosphere. I like the open house that goes out into the blue sky, but I also like the closed room house like a japanese sa-do style tea room that you enter through a very small doorway.

2. B&S Concept - Laev (Bouncy Mix)

フランス・リールの2人組、B&S Conceptの「Laev」。オリジナルバージョンもいいけれど、「Bouncy Mix」と題された、タイトル通り身体も心も跳ねてしまうリミックスバージョンが良かった。

"Laev" by B&S Concept, a duo from Lille, France. The original version is good, but I liked the remix version titled "Bouncy Mix" which, as the title suggests, made my body and mind bounce.

3. PaperMacheTiger - Feel Me

イタリアのHOUPHからリリースされた新人紹介EPから、PaperMacheTigerという2人組の「Feel Me」。プリミティブではあるけれど、ハウスならではの魅力がギュッと凝縮した感じが嬉しい。3分半からのピアノとか最高です。

This is "Feel Me" by PaperMacheTiger, a duo from the newcomer introduction EP released by HOUPH in Italy. I'm glad to feel that the unique charm of the house has been condensed into one place. I love the piano at the 3.5 minute mark.

4. Jorn Johansen - First Night (Scott Diaz Remix)

シカゴの信頼の老舗Large Musicからリリースされた、コペンハーゲンのアーティストJorn Johansenの「Fisrt Night」。英ブライトンのScott Diazが手がけたバージョンがエレガントで最高に素敵!

”Fisrt Night" by Copenhagen artist Jorn Johansen, released on Chicago's trusty Large Music. The version by Scott Diaz of Brighton, UK is elegant and most wonderful!

5. True2Life、Jay Funk - Unity (Original Mix)

米ニューメキシコにあるPlastik People Digitalからリリースされた、True2LifeとJay Funkの「UNITY」。これもまたハウスならではの歌による高揚感を楽しませてくれる曲です。好きだなあ…

"UNITY" by True2Life and Jay Funk, released on Plastik People Digital in New Mexico, USA. This is another song that enjoys the uplifting effect of singing that only house can provide. I like it...

6. May Vic - Masai (Extended Mix)

2017年設立のモスクワのレーベル、La Mishkaからリリースされた、同じくモスクワのアーティスト May Vicの「Masai」。硬質なサウンドのアフロハウス。テックハウスと合わせたら面白そう。

"Masai" by May Vic, another Moscow artist, released on La Mishka, a Moscow label founded in 2017. Afro-house with a hard & solid sound. It would be interesting to mix it with tech house.

7. ASHIBAH - The Thrill

コペンハーゲン在住のデンマーク/エジプト出身のDJ、そして女性ボーカリストでもあるASHIBAHの「The Thrill」。思い切りのいいトラックに彼女の優しい声が重なる。気に入りました。

"The Thrill" by ASHIBAH, a Danish/Egyptian DJ living in Copenhagen and also a female vocalist. Her gentle voice overlays the bold track. I loved it.

8. Sekret Chadow - Prince

たまにはブレークスも。スペインのDistorsion Recordsからリリースされた、詳細不明のアーティスト・Sekret Chadowの「Prince」。全体に荒削りで、でもそこが初期ハウスのおおらかさを思い起こさせる感じがあって好きです。

Sometimes I try to pick some Breaks. "Prince" by Sekret Chadow, an artist whose details are unknown, released from Distorsion Records in Spain. I like the roughness of the whole thing, but it reminds me of the generosity of early house.

9. DJ Fudge & Chinua Hawk – Love X Love (Michael Gray Remix)

ロンドンの洒落者コレクティヴ・Reel Peopleから2020年の秋にリリースされた「Love X Love」を、ロンドンのMichael Grayが華やかにリミックス。笑顔になれる。最高。

London's Michael Gray's gorgeous remix of "Love X Love," released in the fall of 2020 on London's fashionable collective Reel People. It makes me smile. Great.


【Track of the Week】DJ Fudge & Chinua Hawk – Love X Love (Michael Gray Remix)


I decided to choose this song as "Track of the week." I decided on this song because I think it encapsulates the warmth, glamour, and gentleness of people that house music can deliver, and the unique charm of house music. It's the kind of song you want to listen to with a smile on your face.



先日発表した、秋葉原住宅が選ぶ「HOUSE OF THE YEAR 2020」は、Jimpsterの「ONE (feat. Casamena)」に送られました。東京から送ったトロフィーは、無事にJimpsterことJamie Odellさんの元にも届いたようです。あらためて、おめでとうございます!

The recently announced "HOUSE OF THE YEAR 2020", chosen by Akihabara Housing, Ltd., went to Jimpster's "ONE" (feat. casamena). The trophy I sent from Tokyo has arrived safely at the door of Jamie Odell, aka Jimpster. Congratulations!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, we have collected 35 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
