
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 June.19-June.20


Hi there. This is spinn.teramoto, the master director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, LTd." It's been a rainy and cloudy weekend, which is typical for this time of year, and as usual, I'll be introducing new-built house music from Tokyo.


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

1. AFFKT - Let it Burn

スペイン・バレンシアのアーティストAFFKT の「Let it Burn」。闇の中で黒く光るタイトでソリッドなベースラインの上に、80年代ニューウェーブ的なボーカルが乗る面白格好いいトラック。いいね!

"Let it Burn" by AFFKT, an artist from Valencia, Spain. An interesting and cool track with 80's new wave style vocals over a tight and solid bassline that glows black in the dark. Nice!

2. Simon Shaw - Yes I Am (The Checkup Remix)

ロンドンのNo Fussからリリースされたこちらは、ロンドンのアーティスト・Simon Shawの「Yes I am」を、ベルリンのThe Checkupがリミックスした曲。堅牢なシーケンスが特急列車のように連なって、僕らを遠くまで連れていってくれます。

Released by London's No Fuss, this is a remix of London artist Simon Shaw's "Yes I am" by Berlin's The Checkup. It's a robust sequence that takes us a long way, strung together like an express train.

3. Uri Mood - Yekeké

スペイン・バルセロナのDJ、Uri Moodの「Yekeké」。キックからサイドチェインをかけられたコンプレッサーの効果で、ウーンウーンと粘るベースがヒプノティック。いいねー。

This is "Yekeké" by Uri Mood, a DJ from Barcelona, Spain. The bass is hypnotic, with a side-chaining compressor effect from the kick, and the ooh-ing. I love it.

4. Cee ElAssaad, KEENE - Ake Yoruba

モロッコ最大の都市、カサブランカのプロデューサー、Cee ElAssaadとKeeneのコラボで「Ake Yoruba」。ナイジェリアのヨルバ族に伝わる歌をベースに、トライバルな世界観をフロアに立ち上げます。格好いい!

"Ake Yoruba" is a collaboration between Keene and Cee ElAssaad, a producer from Casablanca, the largest city in Morocco. Based on a song from the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria, the song brings a tribal world to the floor. Great!

5. Dilby - Muruba


"Muruba" by Dilby, a New Zealand producer living in Berlin, was released by 8bit in Mannheim, Germany. It's a vivid track that intertwines tribal roughness with elegant sounds. The best.

6. LUCATI - Take Me Away ft. Steven Klavier

米・ロサンゼルスのプロデューサー、Lucatiの「Take Me Away」。2000年代前半のNaked musicを思い出すような、甘くウォームなEピアノとボーカルに完全にノックアウトされました。大好き。

"Take Me Away" by Los Angeles producer Lucati completely knocked me out with its sweet and warm e-piano and vocals, reminiscent of early 2000s naked music. I love it.

7. Supernova - You Have House

伊フィレンツェの2人組Supernovaの「You Have House」。ハウスって歴史的にハウスそのものについて語る曲が極めて多いジャンルだけど、そこにまた新たな1ページが加わった。あと、ちょっと避けようのないP-P-A-Pっぽさもありますね。楽しい!

"You Have House" by Supernova, a duo from Florence, Italy. House is a genre that has historically had an extremely large number of songs that talk about house itself, but this adds another page to it. There's also a bit of inevitable Pen-Pinapple-Apple-Pen-ness to it. Fun!


【Track of the Week】Dilby - Muruba

「Track of the Week」にはこの曲を選びました。冷酷でエレガントなダークヒーローのマントの内側で、灼熱のダークエナジーが燃えているような、熱気と冷気の両方を同時に感じさせる格好いいトラックです。素晴らしい!

I chose this as my "Track of the Week." It's a cool track that's both hot and cold in equal measure, like a scorching dark energy burning inside the cloak of a ruthless and elegant dark hero. It's fantastic.

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 190 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
