♩Wailers - Real Situation


Check out the real situation
Nation war against nation
Where did it all begin?
When will it end?
Well, it seems like
Total destruction the only solution
There aren't no use
No one can stop them now
Ain't no use
Nobody can stop them now

Give them an inch, they take a yard
Give them a yard, they take a mile
Once a man and twice a child
Everything is just for a while
Well, it seems like
Total destruction the only solution
There aren't no use
No one can stop them now
Ain't no use
Nobody can stop them now

強烈な歌詞である。当時、死に直面していたボブの心境ももちろん影響しているだろう。発表当時、この歌詞が物議を醸したことはインタビュー (下記参照 / ボブ・マーリィ・ファイル [シンコーミュージック]) から伺える。Talkin' Blues 然り、時に、ボブは「詩」という緩衝を捨て、心の底から叫びを上げる。


[Bob Marley]

[Original recording of full interview (1980)]
