






Magic the gathering cards」みたいな感じで生成。
parallel world card gameみたいなワードで生成。
various illustrationsみたいなワードを入れていたので画風も違うカードが生成されているのが良い感じ。ちなみにここの辺で無料分を使い切ってしまったので10ドル課金する。
マジックのトレジャートークンのカードを読み込ませてrectanglar cardとかにしたら枠だけいい感じになった
「a rectangular card in a different world card game, mysterious language, card name is on top of the card, a creature illustration is on the middle of the card, the explanation is on the lower half of the card」で生成。具体的に全部書いてみたが思い通りにはいかず。
「a rectangular card in a different world card game, mysterious language, card name is on top of the card, a creature illustration is on the middle of the card, the explanation is on the lower half of the card」で生成。全然思い通りになっていないが、右上のは別の魅力があるのでバージョン違いを二つほど作成してもらう↓
聖トラフトの霊を参考画像として読ませてから、「a vertically long rectangular card in a different world card game, mysterious language, card name is on top of the card, a creature illustration is on the middle of the card, the explanation is on the lower half of the card, --iw 1.0」で生成。最後のiwというのは、参考画像をどの程度参考にするかの量(0~1)。この辺で「なかなかカード説明文」を入れてくれない事で悩む。
聖トラフトの霊を読み込ませた後、「a vertically long rectangular card in a different world card game, mysterious language, card name is on top of the card, a creature illustration is on the middle of the card, the explanation is on the lower half of the card, --iw 1.0」。
聖トラフトの霊を読み込ませた後、「A card for a pallalel world card game, rectangular card, an sentences in mysterious language is on the lower half of the card, mysterious creature is on the upper half of the card, --iw 0.9」左上はそれっぽい!ので別バージョンを↓
「a Magic the gathering style rectangular card, fantasy illustration on the card , different world language sentence 」。カード枠っぽいものだけはできた。
しかし、「Magic the gathering style」みたいなワードは多分「「「マジックに登場するイラスト」のようなイラスト」を生成してくれ」のように取られてしまって、右下みたいな画像が出てきてしまったりする模様。
「a rectangular card for a trading card game, parallel world language sentence, different world creature illustration is on the card」で生成。欲しているものと違ったが、右下のはなんか面白いので寄り道して別バージョンを作ってもらう↓

ここで、知り合いのAさんとコーヒー飲んでるときに「マジックのカードっぽいのを出力したいんですがうまくいかないんすよw」って言ったら「良く分からんけど僕ならlike マジックとかlike ポケモンカードとかを試すかな」と言われる。なるほど、と試したのが以下。

「A card like "Magic the Gathering", an illustration of fantasy world creature is on the upper half part of the card , a sentence is on the lower half of the card」。うおー!右上めっちゃマジックじゃん!そのバリエーションを作ってもらったのが以下。
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", an illustration of different world creature is on the upper half part of the card, a sentence is on the lower half of the card --ar 5:7」
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", an illustration of different world creature is on the upper half part of the card, a sentence is on the lower half of the card, the name of the creature is on the top of the card, --ar 5:7 」
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", an illustration of different world creature is on the card, a sentence in fantasy language is on the card, the name of the creature is on the top of the card, --ar 5:7 」。やはりどうもテキスト欄が全然作られない。あとこの人結構著作権的に問題ありそうな画像を生成してくる。
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", --ar 5:7」シンプルだとこうなる。確実にイゼットのイラスト。

ここでちょっと浮気をしてデッキリストみたいな画像を作ろうとして「imaginary card game like "Magic the Gathering", decklist, rectangular cards are lined up, various creatures and their explanation are drawn on each card 」で生成。左上は良かったので展開↓
「imaginary card game like "Magic the Gathering", many rectangular cards are lined up, various creature illustration and sentence are on each card」で。右上は欲しかったデッキリスト!なので展開↓
「cards like Magic the Gathering, some cards are arranged in a grid, a few lines of text is on each card」。今見たら左下はかなりデッキリスト感強い。しかしこの時は右上に魅力を感じたので展開↓
試しにgoldfishの適当なデッキリストの画像を読み込ませてから、「cards are lined up, cards like "Magic the Gathering" 」。右上は良いので展開。

さて、デッキリスト画像もいい感じになったのでやはりカードの生成の道へ戻る。先ほどテキスト部分が生成されなかったりするのが一つの問題だったので、「a few lines of texts」を入れてみる。

「A card like "Magic the Gathering", an illustration of fantasy world creature and a few lines of text in mysterious language are on the card, --ar 5:7」。左下、そうだけどそうじゃないんだ!
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", an illustration of fantasy world creature and a few lines of text in mysterious language are on the card, --ar 5:7」。「a few lines of text」は良いワードっぽい。右上を展開↓
少し前のバージョンではカードの上下が切れているのが気になって、「rounded corners」を入れてみる。「A card like "Magic the Gathering", rounded corners, an illustration of imaginary world creature is on the upper half part of the card , a sentence is on the lower half of the card --ar 5:7」。上手く行かず。
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", the card with rounded corners --ar 5:7」
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", the card with rounded corners, illustration of imaginary creature is on the card --ar 5:7」。上下はきれていないし、カードテキストもちゃんと表示されている。良い指令かもしれない。
「A card like "Magic the Gathering", the card with rounded corners, illustration of fantasy world creature is on the card, a few lines of texts in fantasy language is on the card --ar 5:7」。左上はかなり欲するものに近い!

ここでtwitterで「A detailed」をつけると良いという情報をゲット。

「A detailed card like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of imaginary dragon and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language」。左下めっちゃイカス。が、アスペクト比設定を忘れていた。
「A detailed card like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of imaginary dragon and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」。ゴージャスで良い。が、やはり前と同様角が丸くないカードが生まれてしまう。
やはり角を丸くしたいので「rounded corners」を追加。
そして銅版画っぽくしたら良いかもしれないと思って「in copper engraving style」を追加。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration in copper engraving style of imaginary dragon and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration in copper engraving style of imaginary farmers and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7 」



ここで再びtwitterで具体的な指令を出した方が良いらしいという学びを得たので「goblin with sword」等、カードの絵柄を指定してカードを作ってもらう事に。

「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration in copper engraving style of imaginary goblin with sword and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration in copper engraving style of imaginary red goblin and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration in copper engraving style of imaginary simple form ghost and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」


「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a standing small goblin in front of a apple tree in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7 」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a standing small goblin on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a standing small goblin on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7 」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a standing small goblin on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」。左下、表情がいい。


「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a standing small goblin in a empty grassland on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language, the text "1/1" is on the bottom right --ar 5:7 」。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a standing small goblin in a empty grassland on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language, the text "1/1" is on the bottom right --ar 5:7」。


「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely girl sitting on a motorcycle in a empty grassland on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language, it says 1/1 on the lower right --ar 5:7 」。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely girl sitting on a stump in a empty grassland on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the word 1/1 is written on the lower right --ar 5:7 」。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely girl having balloon in a empty grassland on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the decorated letters 1/1 is written on the lower right --ar 5:7」。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely shiba inu in a empty grassland on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the decorated letters "1/1" is written on the lower right --ar 5:7」。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely shiba inu in a empty grassland on a moonlight night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the decorated letters "1/1" is written on the lower right --ar 5:7 」。奇妙だが、とりあえずめっちゃ中世の柴犬トレーディングカードだ!
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely girl with umbrella on a rainy night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the letters "1/1" in a decorated square is written on the lower right --ar 5:7」。


A detailed card
with rounded corners
like Magic the Gathering
on which an illustration of
in copper engraving style
a few lines of sentences in fantasy language
--ar 5:7




「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely girl doing the yo-yo swing in front of a bakery in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the letters "1/1" in a decorated circle illustration is written on the lower right --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely girl doing the yo-yo swing in front of buildings in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and "1/1" in a small square illustration is drawn on the lower right --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonly wizard using a magic on a flower in front of buildings in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the symbol "1/1" is on the lower right of the card --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a lonely wizard releasing his magic to a flower in grassland in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the letter "1/1" is written on the lower right of the card --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a beautiful lotus on a rainy night in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language and the letters "1/1" in a decorated square is written on the lower right --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a female teacher writing an equation on a black board in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7 」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a old male teacher writing some equations in a classroom in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of an old man laughing at a maedow with money pouring down in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a boy walking in a residential area in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」
「In copper engraving style, A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a girl walking in a street and laundry hanging on ropes and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」
「In copper engraving style, A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a girl walking between houses where clothes hanging on ropes and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a girl walking between houses where clothes hanging on ropes and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language in copper engraving style --ar 5:7 」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a monk running in a hell and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language in copper engraving style --ar 5:7」これ以下数枚in copper engraving styleの位置を変更。色合いが変わる。
また、このあたりでそもそもin copper engraving style自体を抜いて生成させると何故か上手く行かなくなる(マジックのカードっぽくなくなる)事が分かる。別に絵のタッチだけの問題なはずなのになんでだろう。
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a dog running in a hell and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language in copper engraving style --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a ghost having a lolipop on a starry moonlight night and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language in copper engraving style --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a goblin having a balloon on a starry moonlight night and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language in copper engraving style --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a demon having a red balloon at a empty grassland on a starry moonlight night and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language in copper engraving style --ar 5:7」
「A detailed card with rounded corners like Magic the Gathering on which an illustration of a flying dragon at a empty grassland in copper engraving style and a few lines of sentences in fantasy language --ar 5:7」。最後は原点回帰。ドラゴンは描きやすいのかもしれない。ちなみにflying をsleepingとかwalkingとかにしてもみたんだけど、全然上手く行かなかった。


差し当たり残った課題は「右下にどうにか1/1みたいなのを表示させる(こういうのはいけるものなのだろうか?)」「 in copper engraving style を除くと上手く行かなくなる問題の解決(他の絵のタッチでも作られるべき)」「あんまり絵のサンプルが無さそうなイラスト(寝ているドラゴンみたいな)もどうにかすれば描けるのか問題」という感じか。




