
Re-evaluating Diversity through the Lenses of Berlin, Weil, and Schopenhauer

In contemporary society, discussions surrounding diversity are frequently brought to the fore across various sectors, from corporations and educational institutions to political arenas. The promotion of diversity is seen as an essential end

    • To Whom Does a Work Belong?—The "Death of the Author", the Freedom of Interpretation and Adaptation, and the Diversity of Fans

      Once a work is released to the public, it transcends the author's control and begins to acquire new meanings bestowed upon it by fans and society at large. Roland Barthes' concept of the "death of the author" encapsulates the idea that the

    Re-evaluating Diversity through the Lenses of Berlin, Weil, and Schopenhauer

    • To Whom Does a Work Belong?—The "Death of the Author", the Freedom of Interpretation and Adaptation, and the Diversity of Fans