




“米がない” 米不足はいつまで続く?」NHK,2024/8/20



24年産米、作柄は「平年並み」 全国的に良好な天候―民間調査会社」時事ドットコム,2024/8/8



“米がない” 米不足はいつまで続く?」NHK,2024/8/20


新米の出荷価格、新潟コシヒカリ22%高 他産地にも波及」日本経済新聞,2024/8/20



私のところでは、一週間に米2kgを消費する。4週間では、1,300円 × 4 = 5,200円。これが仮に4割値上がりすると、支出は7,280円で、2,080円の値上がりとなる。

タイトル写真は、「“米がない” 米不足はいつまで続く?」NHK,2024/8/20から引用

Last weekend, bags of rice disappeared from supermarkets. Newly harvested rice might be more than 20% more expensive than last year.

Rice has disappeared from the rice section of the local supermarket. It finally arrived at the beginning of the week, so I was able to buy some. According to my wife, in the hot summer months, rice quickly loses its flavor, so she buys 2kg of rice. The next day, the bags of rice had disappeared from the supermarket. It must have sold out a short time after it arrived. Last week was the Obon period, so perhaps rice mills were closed, and many customers were stocking up on rice.

It reminded me of the rice shortage that occurred from 1993 to 1994. However, the new rice will be shipped soon, so it seems that there will not be a long-term rice shortage like that. I guess we won't have to eat imported foreign rice.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the demand for rice as a staple food in the year up to June was 7.02 million tons, an increase of 110,000 tons from the previous year, marking the first increase in 10 years. The ministry believes that the increase in demand is due to favorable inbound tourism, as well as a more gradual increase in the price of rice compared to other food items such as bread and noodles. As a result, private stocks have also decreased, and as of the end of June, they were at 1.56 million tons, down 410,000 tons from the same period last year, or 20%, the lowest since records began in 1999. While supply was lower than expected due to last year's extreme heat and other factors, consumption has been steady, resulting in the lowest stocks ever and shortages.

"How long will the rice shortage last?" NHK, August 20, 2024

Fortunately, this year's rice crop looks to be better than last year's.

According to the 2024 rice harvest forecast (as of July 31st) announced on the 8th by the private research company Rice Data Bank, the "crop condition index (average = 100)," which indicates the quality of the crop, was 101 nationwide, which is "average." Since rice planting, some areas have experienced a lack of sunlight, and the Tohoku region was hit by heavy rain in July, but the country has been blessed with good weather. (Omitted) The estimated staple rice harvest volume based on this survey is 6,789,000 tons, up 2.7% from the 2023 crop results.

"2024 rice crop is 'average' - Good weather nationwide - Private research company" Jiji.com, 2024/8/8

However, the price of new rice will rise significantly.

In Fukui Prefecture, this year's new rice will be shipped from the 21st, but in order to ensure a stable supply of rice, JA Fukui Prefecture has increased the amount it pays to producers in advance by about 40% from last year. This means that the retail price of new rice may increase by about 30% to 40% from last year.

"How long will the rice shortage last?" NHK, August 20, 2024

The JA Group in Niigata Prefecture, the largest rice-producing region, will significantly raise the collection price (estimated amount) for the 2024 harvest of new rice. For first-grade Koshihikari rice, the price will be 22% higher than last year. In addition to the current tight supply and demand situation, such as rice shortages in stores, the price also reflects the rising production costs for farmers. Since Niigata Prefecture rice is priced according to an index, it is likely that the price of new rice nationwide will also rise in the future.

"New rice shipping price rises 22% for Niigata Koshihikari, spreading to other producing areas" Nihon Keizai Shimbun, August 20, 2024

This month, the prices of dorayaki, chocolate, coffee jelly, and other items have risen by around 10 to 20 yen.

While it is possible to avoid buying such luxury items, the impact on pensioners is large, as they eat rice every day.

My household consumes 2 kg of rice per week. Over four weeks, it comes to 1,300 yen x 4 = 5,200 yen. If this were to rise by 40%, the expenditure would be 7,280 yen, an increase of 2,080 yen. However, 7,280 yen divided by 28 comes to 260 yen per day, which seems reasonable for the price of a staple food.

Title photo taken from "How Long Will the Rice Shortage Continue?" NHK, 2024/8/20
