

教科書で”The power of words”というトピックの英文を読みました。教科書会社からいただいた補助教材にはリスニング問題も音声データもあります。



僕「Produce an English text of approximately 100 words relating to the power of language in plain English.」

CG「Language is a very important tool that helps us think, act, and talk to others. Words can make people feel good or bad, and can make things happen. By speaking or writing, we can tell others about our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Language is also a way for us to show who we are and what we believe in. To talk to others effectively, we need to understand the language we use and how it can be interpreted. Language has the power to bring people together and help them understand each other. It's also a powerful tool for change, because words can make people feel inspired and motivated to do something different.」これで112words


僕「Based on this passage , Make up three four-choice questions.」

CH「Sure, here are three multiple-choice questions based on the passage:
1 What is the main purpose of language?
a. To connect with others
 b. To entertain others
 c. To deceive others
 d. To show wealth
2 What is the effect of language on people?
 a. It has no effect
 b. It makes people feel bad
 c. It makes people feel good
 d. It makes people indifferent
3 What does the passage suggest about effective communication?
 a. It's not important.
 b. It requires a deep understanding of language
 c. It requires a shallow understanding of



