


① Behaviorism : all behaviors are acquired through conditioning
- 自由意志は錯覚であり、行動は遺伝と環境の両因子の組み合わせによって決定されていく。行動それのみが心理学の研究対象である。例えば「信念」や「性格」といった心的概念を表す一般的語彙は、単に行動への傾向性を主題とするための方便にすぎず、指示対象として何らかの心的実体を伴う訳ではない。(Wikipedia 行動主義心理学より)

② Dualism : a philosophical view which holds that mental phenomena are, at least in certain respects, not physical phenomena, or that the mind and the body are distinct and separable from one another
- この世界には、肉体や物質といった物理的実体とは別に、魂や霊魂、自我や精神、また時に意識、などと呼ばれる能動性を持った心的実体がある。
- そして心的な機能の一部(例えば思考や判断など)は物質とは別のこの心的実体が担っている。

③ 自由意志:未定義 (自分で考えを変える自由?)
④ 意識:neurobiologically, process and reaction? 
⑤ 魂 : 未定義

The case for a creator (definitions)

 - Consciousness : “is what you are aware of when you introspect. When you pay attention to what’s going on inside of you, that’s consciousness.” (268)
- The soul : “the soul is the ego, the ‘I’ or the self, and it contains our consciousness. It also animates our body.” (p268) “the soul is immaterial and distinct from the body.”
Reference : Jesus mentioned the soul exists, he believed in dualism. (Jesus on the cross: “do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Matthew 10:28))

What if non-dualism (physicalism) is right?

1) If everything were matter, everything could be described entirely from a third-person point of view, And yet we know that we have first-person, subjective points of view – so physicalism cannot be true. (p270) (感情はprivate なものだから first person viewになる – 目に見えないもの全般で)

2) There will be no free will because matter is completely governed by the law of nature. SO how could you hold me responsible for my behaviour if I wasn’t free to choose how I would act? (isn’t responsibility a manmade concept? It’s the other way round – we created ‘responsibility’ because we thought we had free will. Responsibility cannot be a proof that free will exists.) (要するに論理が逆 → リンゴの皮むき器からリンゴの存在を証明はできない )

3) There would be no disembodied intermediate state. According to Christianity, when we die, our souls leave our bodies and await the later resurrection of our bodies from the dead. We don’t cease to exist when we die, Our souls are living on. This happens in near-death experiences. (宗教的な臨死体験者をした者が、後に既成の宗教を離れる傾向がある事、キリスト教文化圏で神の審判、地獄や煉獄などのイメージが殆ど現れない事などは説明が難しい。レイモンド・ムーディは最初の著書の中で「宗教的教育の中で期待するように導かれてきたものと、実際の臨死体験がいかに違っていたかを、多くの人達は強調していた」と記している。Wikipedia 「臨死体験」より)

Private mind

“No matter how much Penfield probed the cerebral cortex, he said, ‘There is no place…where electrical stimulation will cause a patient to believe or to decide.’ That’s because those functions originate in the conscious self, not the brain.” (p272) (出典: Wilder Penfield, The Mystery of the Mind, 77-78, 1793). (注釈:のちの研究によると、Libet は、被験者の脳の活動が、意識的に動作を決定するおおよそ1/3秒前に開始したことを発見した。これは、実際の決定がまず潜在意識でなされており、それから意識的決定へと翻訳されていることを暗示している。後に Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone によって行われた関連実験では、動かす手をランダムに選ばせた。ここでは、磁場を用いて脳の異なる半球を刺激することによって被験者のどちらかの手に強く影響を及ぼしうることを発見した。例えば、標準的に右利きの人は実験期間の60%の間右手を動かすことを選ぶ、しかし右脳が刺激されている間、実験期間の80%の間左手を選んだとされる(右脳は体の左半身を、左脳は右半身を統括していることが想起される)この場合、動かした手の選択へ外的影響(磁場を用いた脳に対する刺激)が加えられていたにもかかわらず、被験者は「手の選択が(外的影響とは独立に)自由になされたことを確信している」と報告している。) (https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/why-did-you-move-your-hand-just-now-linking-free-will-and-movement/ - “Now, if our conscious experience of decisions is in control, this should feel strange—really strange. You’ve decided to do one thing, but your body has been hijacked and made to do something else. The strangest thing about the results of this study is that the participants didn’t even seem to notice that their brains had been hijacked. Most participants had a very simple description of the experience. When asked why they moved their left hand, when their brain activity made it seem like they were going to move their right hand, most participants gave a nonchalant answer: “I just changed my mind.””)

“Nothing in my brain is about anything (…) your brain states aren’t about anything, but some of my mental states are, So they’re different.” (p273)

Difference between the consciousness and the soul.

- “You can be the same person even if you lose old memories and gain new memories, or you lose some of your old personality traits and gain new personality traits.” (→人によって意見が分かれそう)
- “I can be the same person even though my consciousness changes, so I cannot be the same thing as my consciousness. Ive got to be the ‘self’, that contains my consciousness.”
- “say a girl lost half of her brain in a traffic accident. Nobody says, ‘We have 47% of a person here’. A person cannot be divided into pieces.” (but still, what is a person?)

Emergence of the mind : how did the mind emerge?

 if mind emerged in a Neo-Darwinism way, what will be wrong? 
1) Potentials : “matter contained the potential for mind to emerge – and at the right moment, guess what happened? these potentials were activated and consciousness was sparkled into existence.” (p280) “This is panpsychism.” (汎心論) - “ the world began not just with matter, but with stuff that’s mental and physical at the same time. Yet they cannot explain where these pre-emergent mental properties came from in the first place, And this also makes it hard for them to argue against the emergence of God.” (p280) ... okay. 
2) Inevitable Determinism : depends on how we define free will. 
3) If the mind emerged from matter without the direction of the superior intelligence, why should we trust anything from the mind as being rational or true?
4) There would be no unified self. (→ is there a such thing as a unified self? After all, consciousness is, reaction to stimulations.)


- 自由意志は存在しない
- 全ての現象は理由があるから。(因果律) 
- External factors
- Free willをサポートする理由が十分でないからfree will は存在する?
- 赤ちゃんが手を動かすのは自由意志?
- Free will is not free will because its not free will, she considers something free will because it cannot be explained by cause and effect. (free will or something equivalent)

光を見たときに、それに向かって手を伸ばすかどうかは自由意志の範疇 (それが直接的なbenefitsやcosts に関りがないならNeo-Darwinism的な適応は通用しない)。

パスカルの賭け: argument from inconsistent revelations,  
- キリスト教以外の宗教?
