
【ネイティブ小話 #5】 英語・日本語字幕



Hi everyone! My name's Lee. And today I'll be telling you a story about how I got really lost in Japan.

I got on my first flight, which was from Christchurch to Auckland here in New Zealand, which takes probably about an hour.
✎ get on ~ = 〜に搭乗する、乗り込む

Got through the gate and as I was sitting down I could see someone next to me and they were looking really, really confused about when they were supposed to go and when they weren’t supposed to go.
✎ get through ~ = 〜を通り過ぎる、抜ける
✎ be supposed to ~ = 〜することになっている

And I noticed that they were holding a Japanese passport.

So I turned over, to face this person. I asked them, “Are you okay?” in Japanese.
✎ turn over = ひっくり返る、向きを変える

They came over to me and they were like, ”Oh my god, you can speak Japanese?”
✎ come up to ~ = 〜のすぐそばまでやってくる、〜に達する

Then, I was like, ”No, no, no. Not really.”

And he showed me his seat number. So I was like, “Okay, you need to line up now.”
✎ line up = 列に並ぶ

And he was like, “Thank you so much.”

He got in the line. And then finally it was my turn to get on the plane.

I sat down and I realized the person that I had just helped was two rows in front of me.

So, we had a little bit of a chat.

And you know, we're both going to Osaka and I was like, “Oh, do you live in Osaka? Are you working in Osaka?”

And he was like, “Actually no. I'm from Nagoya. I'm going to be going to Nagoya.”
✎ be going to be ~ing = このまま何もなければ〜することになるというニュアンス。

I was like, “oh wow, I need to get to Nagoya. I'm going to Nagoya as well.”

So we decided that once we arrived in Japan, why don't we travel together from Osaka Airport to Nagoya station.

I was like, “Yes, it's the best. I'm not traveling by myself anymore. This is going to be great.”

And then, we got off the plane, went to the bag check and he was waiting for me.

And (he would..) he then told me “Actually, I’m from Nagoya but I've never flown (in..) to Osaka. So I've never actually traveled from Osaka to Nagoya.”

So we were both first time traveling from Osaka Airport to Nagoya.

Now, bear in mind this has been maybe 10 to 12 hours of flying.
✎ bear in mind = 心に留めておく、覚えておく

I'm super tired, my Japanese isn't very good, I can't read Japanese very well so I can't really read the signs to know which train to get.

And he's like, “Ah, come with me. We'll just go to the station and (we'll..) we’ll
ask someone.” So we went through to the station.

And everything was going fine and we walked around the station for a bit, found a platform, got on a train.

And I was looking in my phone and I was like, “Hang on. Weren’t we supposed to stop just now?”
✎ look in ~ = 〜の中をのぞき込む
✎ Hang on. = ちょっと待って。

And the guy I was traveling with was like, “Oh, no! What kind of train did we get on?”

And it turns out that we got on one of their Limited Express trains that does not stop at Nagoya.
✎ it turns out that ~ = 結局〜であることが判明する
✎ Limited Express = 特別急行

We're both like, “What just happened? Why didn't the train stop? We need to get off at Nagoya. Where are we going? When is it gonna stop next?”

So we were both kind of panicking.

We were like, “Okay, next station let's get off. We need to figure out where we are, and how we can get back to Nagoya.”
✎ figure out ~ = 〜を理解する、〜の解決策を見つける

So we got off at the next station, you know, we had all of our bags, we had to try and lug it all off.
✎ lug ~ off (the train) = (電車から)〜を引きずり出す

And then he ran off to go find a station officer to ask what train you’re meant to get on to get back to Nagoya ‘cos it's getting late. There's not very many trains left.
✎ run off = 流れ出す、逃げる、逸れる

And he was gone and I had all the bags and I was just sitting there waiting for… (it..) what felt like eternity.
✎ it feels like ~ = 〜な気がする、〜のように感じる
✎ eternity = 永遠、無限

And all these people walking past and looking at me like “Why do I have like four suitcases and why am I just standing in the corner?” and kind of like….. “I don’t know what’s happening!”

And then he came back and he’d actually bought me a ticket, ummm, which was really nice of him.

I could have just used my card, but he bought me a ticket and umm, we got on another train together.

And eventually, we arrived in Nagoya. By this time it was probably midnight. I was supposed to arrive at maybe, like, 9 or 10 o'clock.
✎ eventually = 結果的には
✎ by this time = この時点では、この時までに

So that was my story on how I got really, really lost traveling from Osaka to Nagoya.