
Google Founders’ IPO Letter

今から15年前のLarry Pageの言葉は感慨深かったので、お気に入りの場所いくつか抜粋してメモします。


Serving end users

Sergey and I founded Google because we believed we could provide an important service to the world-instantly delivering relevant information on virtually any topic. Serving our end users is at the heart of what we do and remains our number one priority.


Our goal is to develop services that significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible. In pursuing this goal, we may do things that we believe have a positive impact on the world, even if the near term financial returns are not obvious.


We are proud of the products we have built, and we hope that those we create in the future will have an even greater positive impact on the world.


Long term focus

If opportunities arise that might cause us to sacrifice short term results but are in the best long term interest of our shareholders, we will take those opportunities. We will have the fortitude to do this. We would request that our shareholders take the long term view.


Many companies are under pressure to keep their earnings in line with analysts’ forecasts. Therefore, they often accept smaller, predictable earnings rather than larger and less predictable returns. Sergey and I feel this is harmful, and we intend to steer in the opposite direction.

・多くの企業は、アナリストの予想に沿った収益を保つよう圧力をかけられている。したがって大規模だが予測がしにくいリターンではなく、小規模だが予測がしやすい収益を受け入れることがよくある。 Sergeyと私はこれが有害であると感じている。

Risk vs reward in the long run

Our business environment changes rapidly and needs long term investment. We will not hesitate to place major bets on promising new opportunities.


Corporate structure

We want Google to become an important and significant institution. That takes time, stability and independence.


After the IPO, Sergey, Eric and I will control 37.6% of the voting power of Google, and the executive management team and directors as a group will control 61.4% of the voting power. New investors will fully share in Google’s long term economic future but will have little ability to influence its strategic decisions through their voting rights.

・IPOの後、Sergey、Eric、およびLarry Pageが、投票権の37.6%を持ち、executive management teamと取締役としてのグループが投票権の61.4%を保有。

Berkshire Hathaway has implemented a dual class structure for similar reasons. From the point of view of long term success in advancing a company’s core values, we believe this structure has clearly been an advantage.

・Berkshire Hathawayも同様の理由でdual class structureを実行している。

Our intense and enduring interest was to objectively help people find information efficiently.



Our employees, who have named themselves Googlers, are everything. 


Don’t be evil

Don’t be evil. We believe strongly that in the long term, we will be better served-as shareholders and in all other ways-by a company that does good things for the world even if we forgo some short term gains. This is an important aspect of our culture and is broadly shared within the company.


Making the world a better place

We aspire to make Google an institution that makes the world a better place. 


We hope someday this institution may eclipse Google itself in terms of overall world impact by ambitiously applying innovation and significant resources to the largest of the world’s problems.



Larry PageがBuffetから深く影響を受けていることがわかる文章だった。

IPO Letterだけあって、もう少しエモーショナルな文章を想像していたけれど、というよりは淡々とした感じでした。

