

* WHY? 1. 自分を表現するための道具として、英語を身に着けるため。 2. 日記を書いて生活の解像度を上げることで、自己肯定感を高めるため。 3. モーニングルーティ…


【Day30】How to Chat

TextTomorrow, I start a new job. So I read a book about chatting skills to get good first impressions. Because the target of chat is building good relationships it is important to enjoy conversation rallies and sympathize with things. Also,

【Day29】Traditinal Clothes

TextYesterday I went to Kusatsu, the famous hot spring area. Usually Japan, many Japanese people spend days wearing the Yukata that is an item of Japanese traditional clothes. I visited 5 hot springs But I was surprised at Yukata's convenie


I subscribe to "Disney Delux" so that I can watch Disney shows on, like NETFLIX. Disney's 3D animation has two good points that are stage setting and unique story. Especially, Wreck-It Ralph is my favorite movie. This movie's characters are


TextTomorrow, my girlfriend and I are going on a trip. We will go to "Kusatsu", where are famous of hot spring. In Japan, The term to refrain from going out is extended, but I booked it a long time before, so I decided to go. Kusatsu's hot

【Day26】East Japan earthquake

SummaryTen years have passed today since the East Japan earthquake, but problems have remained. TextTen years have passed today since the East Japan earthquake. When it happened, I was a high school student going home that time. Because I