
Bringing Japanese ‘book cover’ culture into the world!


More than 200 new books are being published every single day, but most of them get overlooked without anyone knowing.
To create an opportunity for people to get to know about these book, we, Seiwado book store have made various attempts and challenges using social media since 2017. Thanks to the followers, our articles have received so many encouraging feedbacks and likes. Above all, our original ‘book cover’ project gathered by far the most attention.
Fully prepared now, we decided to make our original ‘book cover’ into NFT art so that more and more people overseas get chance to know and enjoy our book covers!


NFT, or "Non-Fungible Tokens," is a new type of tradable digital asset. NFT have drawn a lot of media attention in recent months.
They are used in fields such as games, animation, and arts. Recently, NFTs of famous manga have been sold at high prices, and they are getting more and more famous in Japan.


We want book covers, a unique Japanese culture, to be enjoyed as "art" and "fashion", not just being used as something to wrap with.
We would be happy if our challenges can trigger people’s interest in books and covers, even among those who do not normally read them.

Bookstores, we believe, have endless possibilities, and we will continue to take various challenges to give shape to them.
