
WHO 第77回総会 Provisional agenda item 13.3   国際保健規則(2005年)の改正に関する作業部会事務局長報告 (全文) 3 衛生医療用品への公平なアクセス、政府間機関/国際機関との協力

これは、第77回世界保健総会において、国際保健規則 IHR(2005)の改正作業部会(WGIHR)から事務局長あてに提出された報告書の全文の3回目です。
Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (who.int)

IHR(2005)改正はこれまで段階的に行われてきました。この報告書は2005年に作成されたIHR文書に、今回改正される部分を書き加える形でつくられています。この記事では、改正されない部分をグレー地(本来、引用表示として使用される)としています。  IHR(2005)厚労省 (mhlw.go.jp)
3.議長団が13(8)(e) と44(2 ter)(c)に関して更新(時期不明)

それぞれの変更箇所で、「採決で合意」「議長団が2024.5.20更新を提示」「議長団が13(8)(e) 、44(2 ter)(c)に関して更新」「議長団が更新し2024.5.8にスクリーン掲示」と付記します。


第2部 情報と公衆衛生の対応

Article 13 Public health response, including equitable access to relevant health products  第13条 公衆衛生上の対応(関連する衛生医療用品への公平なアクセスを含む) 【採決で合意】

1. Each State Party shall develop, strengthen and maintain, as soon as possible but no later than five years from the entry into force of these Regulations for that State Party, the core capacityies to prevent, prepare for, and respond promptly and effectively to public health risks and public health emergencies of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, including in fragile and humanitarian settings, as set out in Annex 1. WHO shall publish, in consultation with Member States, guidelines to support States Parties in the development of public health response core capacities.

2. Following the assessment referred to in paragraph 2 Part A of Annex 1, a State Party may report to WHO on the basis of a justified need and an implementation plan and, in so doing, obtain an extension of two years in which to fulfil the obligation in paragraph 1 of this Article. In exceptional circumstances and supported by a new implementation plan, the State Party may request a further extension not exceeding two years from the Director-General, who shall make the decision, taking into account the technical advice of the Review Committee. After the period mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article, the State Party that has obtained an extension shall report annually to WHO on progress made towards the full implementation.

3. At the request of a State Party or following its acceptance of an offer by WHO, WHO shall collaborate in the response to public health risks and other events by providing technical guidance and assistance and by assessing the effectiveness of the control measures in place, including the mobilization of international teams of experts for on-site assistance, when necessary.

4. If WHO, in consultation with the States Parties concerned as provided in Article 12, determines that a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, is occurring, it may offer, in addition to the support indicated in paragraph 3 of this Article, further assistance to the State(s) Party(ies), including an assessment of the severity of the international risk and the adequacy of control measures. Such collaboration may include the offer to mobilize international assistance in order to support the national authorities in conducting and coordinating on-site assessments. When requested by the State Party, WHO shall provide information supporting such an offer.

5. When requested by WHO, States Parties should provide, to the extent possible, support to WHO-coordinated response activities.

6.When requested, WHO shall provide appropriate guidance and assistance to other States Parties affected or threatened by the public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency.

7. WHO shall support States Parties and coordinate international response activities during public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemic emergencies, after their determination pursuant to Article 12 of these Regulations.

8. 【議長団が2024.5.20更新を提示】WHO shall facilitate and, subject to Article 57, work to remove barriers to timely and equitable access by States Parties to relevant health products after the determination of a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, based on public health risks and needs. To that effect, the Director-General shall:
8. 【議長団が更新し2024.5.18スクリーンに掲示】WHO shall facilitate, and work to [remove] barriers to, timely and equitable [global] access by States Parties to relevant health products after the determination of a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, based on public health risks and needs. To that effect, the Director-General shall: INSERT REF to ART 57 (ie would read …and, subject to Art 57, work to remove barriers…) : RESERVE: ALT  留保

(a) conduct, and periodically review and update, assessments of the public health needs, as well as of the availability and accessibility including affordability of relevant health products for the public health response; publish such assessments; and consider the available assessments while issuing, modifying, extending or terminating recommendations pursuant to Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, and 49 of these Regulations;
(a) 【議長団が更新し2024.5.18スクリーンに掲示】conduct, and periodically review and update, assessments of the public health needs, as well as of the availability and accessibility including affordability of relevant health products for the public health response; publish such assessments; and consider the available assessments while issuing, modifying, extending or terminating [temporary] recommendations pursuant to Articles 15, [16,] 17, 18, and 49 of these Regulations;

(b) make use of WHO-coordinated mechanisms, or facilitate their establishment, in consultation with States Parties, as necessary, and coordinate, as appropriate, with other allocation and distribution mechanisms and networks that facilitate timely and equitable access to relevant health products based on public health needs.
(b) 【議長団が更新し2024.5.18スクリーンに掲示】make use of WHO-coordinated mechanisms, [or facilitate their establishment as needed DEL], and coordinate, as appropriate, with other allocation and distribution mechanisms and networks that facilitate [, and minimize [all] barriers to, timely and] equitable [and unobstructed DEL / RETAIN] access to relevant health products based on public health needs [in consultation with States Parties];CLEAN (b) make use of WHO-coordinated mechanisms, [or facilitate their establishment [, in consultation with States Parties,] as [necessary] [needed,]] and coordinate, as appropriate, with other allocation and distribution mechanisms and networks that facilitate timely and equitable access to relevant health products based on public health needs[, and, in consultation with States Parties, facilitate their establishment, as needed]

(c) collaborate through relevant WHO coordinated and other networks and mechanisms in the implementation of this aArticle to support States Parties, upon their request, in scaling-up scaling up and geographically diversifying the production of relevant health products, as appropriate, subject to Article 2 of these Regulations, and in accordance with relevant international law;
(c) 【議長団が更新し2024.5.18スクリーンに掲示】 collaborate with relevant stakeholders [1 ] [ in the implementation of this article and] to support States Parties, upon their request, in scaling-up and [geographically] diversifying, as appropriate and in accordance with relevant international law, the production of relevant health products; DEL]
CLEAN (c) collaborate [through relevant [WHO coordinated] [and other] networks and mechanisms] [with relevant stakeholders* DEL] in the implementation of this article to support States Parties, upon their request, in scaling-up and geographically diversifying, as appropriate[, subject to Article 2 of these Regulations,] and in accordance with relevant international law, the production of relevant health products;
CLEAN (c) 締約国の要請に応じて、関連する保健医療用品の生産の規模拡大及び地理的多様化をはかって締約国を支援するために本条を実施するにあたっては、適宜、 [第2条に従い]また、関連する国際法に従って、[WHOが調整する][また他の]ネットワーク及び機構を通じて] [関連する利害関係者*DEL]と協力する。
*:stakeholders means international, inter-governmental organizations and non- state actors in accordance with FENSA / DEL ]利害関係者とは、FENSA / DELに準拠した国際的、政府間組織、および非国家主体を意味する。
FENSA:Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors  非国家主体の契約枠組み

(d) share with a State Party, upon its request, the product dossier related to a specific relevant health product, as provided to WHO by the manufacturer for approval and where the manufacturer has consented, within 30 days of receiving such request, for the purpose of facilitating regulatory evaluation and authorization by the State Party.; and
(d) 【議長団が更新し2024.5.18スクリーンに掲示】 RETAIN BUREAU TEXT 議長団のテキストを使用 share with a State Party, upon its request, the product dossier related to a specific relevant health product, as provided to WHO by the manufacturer for approval and where the manufacturer has consented, within 30 days of receiving such request, for the purpose of facilitating regulatory evaluation and authorization by the State Party.

(e) support States Parties, upon their request, and, as appropriate, subject to Article 2 of these Regulations, through relevant WHO-coordinated and other networks and mechanisms, pursuant to subparagraph 8(c) of this paragraph Article, to strengthen local production of quality assured relevant health products; and facilitate the voluntary transfer of technology, know-how and expertise on mutually agreed terms,1 , including for research and development purposes.
*:For greater certainty, the reference to voluntary transfer of technology, know-how and expertise on mutually agreed terms is without prejudice to other measures that States Parties may take, consistent with the rights, obligations, and flexibilities that Members of the World Trade Organization have under the provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), including those reaffirmed by the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.
【議長団が更新し2024.5.18スクリーンに掲示】RETAIN BUREAU TEXT [(e) support States Parties, upon their request, and, as appropriate, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, pursuant to sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph, to strengthen local production; achieve quality assurance [through] [for the DEL] evaluation and regulatory approval of locally manufactured relevant health products; and facilitate [any other measures relevant for the full implementation of this provision] [the [[voluntary] DEL] transfer of technology, know-how and expertise [[on mutually agreed terms] DEL] [2 ], including for research and development purposes. DEL] DEL] DEL] ALT [(e) support States Parties, upon their request, and, as appropriate, subject to Article 2 of these Regulations, in collaboration [with] [through] relevant [[WHO-coordinated] [and other international] networks and mechanisms] [stakeholders], pursuant to sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph, to strengthen local production [of quality assured relevant health products]; achieve quality assurance through evaluation and regulatory approval of locally manufactured relevant health products; and facilitate the [voluntary] transfer of technology, know-how and expertise [on mutually agreed terms], including for research and development purposes [, including technology licensing agreements on mutually agreed terms].

9.【議長団が2024.5.20更新を提示】 Pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article and paragraph 1 of Article 44 of these Regulations, and upon request of other States Parties or WHO, States Parties shall undertake, subject to applicable law and available resources, to collaborate with, and assist each other and to support WHO-coordinated response activities, including through:

(a) supporting WHO in implementing actions outlined in this Article
(b) engaging with and encouraging relevant stakeholders operating in their respective jurisdictions, to facilitate equitable access to relevant health products for responding to a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency; and
(c) publishing, as appropriate, relevant terms of their research and development agreements for relevant health products related to promoting equitable access to such products during a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency.
パンデミックの緊急事態を含む国際的に懸念される公衆衛生上の緊急事態の際に、衛生医療用品の公平な入手の促進に関係する研究開発に関する合意関連条件を 適宜公開する。

9. 【議長団が更新し2024年5月18日スクリーン掲示】Pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article and paragraph 1 of Article 44 of these Regulations, and upon request of other States Parties or WHO, States Parties shall undertake, subject to applicable law and available resources, to collaborate with, and assist each other and to support WHO-coordinated response activities, including through: (a) supporting WHO in implementing actions outlined in this Article; (b) engaging with and encouraging relevant stakeholders operating in their respective jurisdictions, to facilitate equitable access to relevant health products for responding to a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency; (c) publishing, as appropriate, relevant terms of their [government-funded] research and development agreements for relevant health products related to promoting equitable access to such products during a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency. DEL para 9.a, 9.b, 9.c: DEL para9.c: (and without prejudice to this request, prefer “their” to “government funded”) Article 14 Cooperation of WHO with intergovernmental organizations and international bodie.

Article 14 Cooperation of WHO with intergovernmental organizations and international bodies 第14条 WHOの政府間機関及び国際機関との協力

1. WHO shall cooperate and coordinate its activities, as appropriate, with other competent intergovernmental organizations or international bodies in the implementation of these Regulations, including through the conclusion of agreements and other similar arrangements.
2. In cases in which notification or verification of, or response to, an event is primarily within the competence of other intergovernmental organizations or international bodies, WHO shall coordinate its activities with such organizations or bodies in order to ensure the application of adequate measures for the protection of public health.
3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these Regulations shall preclude or limit the provision by WHO of advice, support, or technical or other assistance for public health purposes
