
WHO 第77回総会 Provisional agenda item 13.3   国際保健規則(2005年)の改正に関する作業部会事務局長報告 (全文) 4 勧告 ★

これは、第77回世界保健総会において、国際保健規則 IHR(2005)の改正作業部会(WGIHR)から事務局長あてに提出された報告書の全文の4回目です。 これまでで、最も問題がある部分です。
Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (who.int)

IHR(2005)改正はこれまで段階的に行われてきました。この報告書は2005年に作成されたIHR文書に、今回改正される部分を書き加える形でつくられています。この記事では、改正されない部分をグレー地(本来、引用表示として使用される)としています。 IHR(2005)厚労省 (mhlw.go.jp)
3.議長団が13(8)(e) と44(2 ter)(c)に関して更新(時期不明)

それぞれの変更箇所で、「採決で合意」「議長団が2024.5.20更新を提示」「議長団が13(8)(e) 、44(2 ter)(c)に関して更新」「議長団が更新し2024.5.8にスクリーン掲示」と付記します。


Article 15 Temporary recommendation 第15条 暫定勧告

1. If it has been determined in accordance with Article 12 that a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, is occurring, the Director-General shall issue temporary recommendations in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 49. Such temporary recommendations may be modified or extended as appropriate, including after it has been determined that a public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, has ended, at which time other temporary recommendations may be issued as necessary for the purpose of preventing or promptly detecting its recurrence.

2. 【議長団が2024.5.20更新を提示】Temporary recommendations may include health measures to be implemented by the State(s) Party(ies) experiencing the public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, or by other States Parties, regarding persons, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods, including relevant health products, and/or postal parcels to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic.

2. 【議長団が更新 2024.5.18スクリーン掲示】Temporary recommendations may include health measures to be implemented by the State(s) Party(ies) experiencing the public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, or by other States Parties, regarding persons, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods, [including relevant health products, DEL / ] and/or postal parcels to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic.

2 bis. 【議長団が2024.5.20更新を提示】The Director-General, when communicating to States Parties the issuance, modification or extension of temporary recommendations, shall provide available information on any WHO-coordinated mechanism(s) concerning access to, and allocation of, relevant health products, as well as on any other allocation and distribution mechanisms and networks.

[2 bis. 【議長団が更新 2024.5.18スクリーン掲示】The Director-General, when communicating to States Parties the issuance, modification or extension of temporary recommendations, shall provide available information on any WHOcoordinated mechanism[(s)] concerning access to, and allocation of, relevant health products [, as well as on any other allocation and distribution mechanisms and networks [, as appropriate, / DEL] DEL FLEX]. DEL / RETAIN]

3. 【採決で合意】Temporary recommendations may be terminated in accordance with the procedure set out in Article 49 at any time and shall automatically expire three months after their issuance. They may be modified or extended for additional periods of up to three months. Temporary recommendations may not continue beyond the second World Health Assembly after the determination of the public health emergency of international concern, including a pandemic emergency, to which they relate.

Article 16 Standing recommendations 第16条 常設勧告 【採択で合意】

1. WHO may make standing recommendations of appropriate health measures in accordance with Article 53 for routine or periodic application. Such measures may be applied by States Parties regarding persons, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods including relevant health products, and/or postal parcels for specific, ongoing public health risks in order to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic. WHO may, in accordance with Article 53, modify or terminate such recommendations, as appropriate.

1. 【議長団が更新 2024.5.18スクリーン掲示】WHO may make standing recommendations of appropriate health measures in accordance with Article 53 for routine or periodic application. Such measures may be applied by States Parties regarding persons, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods [including relevant health products DEL / RETAIN], and/or postal parcels for specific, ongoing public health risks in order to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic. WHO may, in accordance with Article 53, modify or terminate such recommendations, as appropriate.

2. 【疑問024.5.20更新を提示】The Director-General, when communicating to States Parties the issuance, modification or extension of standing recommendations, shall provide available information on any WHO-coordinated mechanism(s) concerning access to, and allocation of, relevant health products as well as on any other allocation and distribution mechanisms and networks.

[2. 【議長団が更新 2024.5.18スクリーン掲示】The Director-General, when communicating to States Parties the issuance, modification or extension of standing recommendations, shall provide available information on any WHOcoordinated mechanism[(s)] concerning access to, and allocation of, relevant health products, [as well as [, as appropriate,] on any other allocation and distribution mechanisms and networks. DEL / RETAIN]

Article 17 Criteria for recommendations  第17条 推奨基準 【採決で合意】

When issuing, modifying or terminating temporary or standing recommendations, the Director-General shall consider:

(a) the views of the States Parties directly concerned; 直接関係する締約国の見解
(b) the advice of the Emergency Committee or the Review Committee, as the case may be; 場合によっては、緊急委員会または審査委員会の助言
(c) scientific principles as well as available scientific evidence and information; (c) 科学的原則並びに入手可能な科学的証拠及び情報
(d) health measures that, on the basis of a risk assessment appropriate to the circumstances, are not more restrictive of international traffic and trade and are not more intrusive to persons than reasonably available alternatives that would achieve the appropriate level of health protection;
(d bis) availability of, and accessibility to relevant health products; (d bis) 関連する衛生医療用品在庫状況と入手のしやすさ
(e) relevant international standards and instruments; 関連する国際基準及び国際文書
(f) activities undertaken by other relevant intergovernmental organizations and international bodies; and 他の関連する政府間機関及び国際機関が行う活動
(g) other appropriate and specific information relevant to the event. With respect to temporary recommendations, the consideration by the Director-General of subparagraphs (e) and (f) of this Article may be subject to limitations imposed by urgent circumstances

Article 18 Recommendations with respect to persons, baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods and postal parcel 第18条 人、手荷物、貨物、コンテナ、輸送、物品及び郵便小包に関する勧告 【採決で合意】

1. Recommendations issued by WHO to States Parties with respect to persons may include the following advice:
– no specific health measures are advised; 特定の保健措置は推奨しない
– review travel history in affected areas; 感染地域への渡航履歴の確認
– review proof of medical examination and any laboratory analysis; 健康診断臨床検査証明の確認
– require medical examinations; 健康診断の要請
– review proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis; クチン接種またはその他の予防措置証明の確認
– require vaccination or other prophylaxis; ワクチン接種またはその他の予防措置を要請
– place suspect persons under public health observation; 感染が疑われる人を公衆衛生上の監視下に置く
– implement quarantine or other health measures for suspect persons; 感染が疑われる人の検疫またはその他の衛生措置
– implement isolation and treatment where necessary of affected persons;  感染者の状況に応じた隔離治療
– implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons; 感染者および感染者と接触疑いのある人の追跡
– refuse entry of suspect and affected persons; 感染者および感染疑いのある人の入国禁止
– refuse entry of unaffected persons to affected areas; 非感染者の感染国への入国禁止
– implement exit screening and/or restrictions on persons from affected areas.  感染国からの出国審査出国制限

2. Recommendations issued by WHO to States Parties with respect to baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods and postal parcels may include the following advice:
– no specific health measures are advised; 特定の保健措置はない
– review manifest and routing; 声明慣例を確認
– implement inspections; 検閲の実施
– review proof of measures taken on departure or in transit to eliminate infection or contamination; 感染や汚染を排除するために出国時または輸送中措置の証明の確認
– implement treatment of the baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods, postal parcels or human remains to remove infection or contamination, including vectors and reservoirs; 媒介生物と容器を含む感染・汚染除去するための、手荷物、貨物、コンテナ、輸送物、物品、郵便小包、または遺体の処置
– the use of specific health measures to ensure the safe handling and transport of human remains; 遺体の安全な取り扱いと輸送を確保するための特定の衛生措置
– implement isolation or quarantine; 隔離または検疫
– seizure and destruction of infected or contaminated or suspect baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods or postal parcels under controlled conditions if no available treatment or process will otherwise be successful; 感染たは汚染した、またはその疑いのある手荷物、貨物、コンテナ、輸送物、商品、郵便小包を、ほかに有効な処置、方法がとれない場合管理条件下押収かつ破壊
– refuse departure or entry. 出国または入国禁止

3. Recommendations issued by WHO to State Parties shall, as appropriate, take into account the need to:
(a) facilitate international travel, particularly of health and care workers and persons in life-threatening or humanitarian situations. This provision is without prejudice to Article 23 of these Regulations; and
(b) 【議長国が2024.5.20更新を提示】maintain international supply chains, including for relevant health products and food supplies
(b) 【議長国が更新し2024.5.18スクリーン掲示】maintain international supply chains [, including for relevant health products and food supplies DEL].
