
Obstacles are Gifts

"Living Beyond Limits," Amy Purdy, 2011


     Amy Purdy lost both her legs below the knee when she was 19 years old.  At first, she was depressed that she won't be able to go snowboarding, travel around the world, and live a life full of adventures.
     She couldn't face the reality in few months, but she knew that she need to act to live a new life.  She changes how to think about a life with new legs.  "How would I want the story to go. ", she asked herself.
     She tells us that borders and obstacles can only do two things: stops us or force us to get creative.  Her legs were obstacles, but they didn't disable her. She relies on her possibility and imagination to go further than she expected.  She tells us to begin to look at borders as blessings, magnificent gifts that can ignite our imaginations.


     I learned obstacles we face are not enemies but life's gifts for us.  They actually let us be innovative.  I would like to embrace walls in front of me.  I will think about why they appear and how I want to live my own life.  Instead of feeling depressed with unexpected life events, I choose to enjoy the present moment with obstacles :)
