


Both a religious founder, guru, and a cult leader have something similar in common, however, there is one decisive difference : the former’s belief is that a believer could gain happiness, on the other hand, what the latter has in his or her mind is that a ruled follower must make positive contributions to him or her to be profitable.
In short, the former’s instruction is based on something positive, in contrast, the latter’s brainwashing is based on something malicious, after all, the latter deceives others to steal what they have in the bank while he or she pretends to be someone charitable and sympathetic.

Japan’s society has been brainwashed by the latter’s hostilities : we couldn’t enroll an established university when we would avoid what we should do in the academic viewpoint : we could never be accepted by a prestigious corporation when we are rejected by a university with the respectable reputation, but these unwritten rules fail to rescue us from various disgusting and critical situations.
After all, we are forced to study uninteresting subjects, which might be something useless in our society, more accurately, we tend to emphasize the ranking hierarchy in numerous fields, which might deprive us of vital and indispensable confidence about ourselves, to our sorrow.

A vicious and malicious religion finds it unchallenging to control someone without any self-esteems because such a ruled follower cannot protest something unreasonable and uncomfortable ordered by his or her supervisor.
Considering this, this school-record society never fails to be convenient for a controller to increase the number of his or her ruled followers, after all, who have been on the bottom of slavery hierarchy, to our regret, we assume.
A certain Japan’s Ministry has been successful to make ordinary citizens find it inevitable to accept consumption taxation because almost all general public have been brainwashed by the national controller, to our shame.
