


Yes, this suggestion is supportable.
One reason makes the opinion acceptable.

1988 was the year when I bought a personal computer for the first time, 26 years ago.
Windows’ Operation System was the second generation.
A friend of mine worked for an IT company producing ATOK in Shikoku, who was uploading his digital diary on the Internet every night with a Homepage Builder, and he recommended that I should do the same.

So I also bought a new personal computer and started an Internet with PHS, the latest mobile phone, which enabled me to keep a digital diary on the Internet every night.
The latest computer with low specs surprisingly cost me about 300 thousand yen in those days, and an external memory device was a floppy disk, which none of young workers are familiar with today.

What surprised us the most was that we could produce a CDR with the same sound quality as an original CD when we used a special device and a software.
After this revolution, the number of record rental shops became small little by little.

In 1980’s, we recorded music on a cassette tape from a LP board, which we used to listen to in a car, but its sound quality naturally was lowered, and sometimes it was too difficult for us to listen to.
Actually, a little noise entered into a cassette tape while we were recording music on it from LP board.

However, this task took us over 70 minutes to copy the whole CD, and we couldn’t finish doing the task within 30 minutes with double speed.
But the sound quality was the same as an original, so we want to call this brilliant technique “the Recording  Revolution.”

In a few years, the sound sources were compressed to numerous small pieces, so that one CD contained over 1000 songs, probably.
Compressing the sound sources could be realized because inaudible sound layers could be eliminated from the whole sound sources.

This reason makes the question titled above favorable.
