


No, this suggestion cannot be acceptable.
Some reasons make this opinion unsupportable.

There are a few hostile nations, some of which have threatening attempts to enlarge their territories.
They have nuclear weapons, which arises the argument that Japan should also possess the same ones.

We have Japan Self-Defence Forces, and have had the security treaty with America since 1960, which means that we are never defenseless.
But Japanese Constitution determines that we mustn’t be armed with nuclear weapons.

Several experts say that heavy armament should be necessary for Japan because opponent countries have nuclear weapons, but we have the decisive circumstance that Japan mustn’t possess such destructive ones.

UN charter has an enemy nation clause that a victorious country during the Second World War have the right to attack a defeated country at that time with attempts to be armed heavily, which can be done unconditionally.
This is why Japan shouldn’t do something reckless.

In short, China might attack us when Japan shows even a little dangerous development without hesitation, which is the reason that Japan cannot be armed with nuclear weapons.

This reason makes the question titled above unfavorable.
