


We prefer celebrities’ affairs to politicians’ corruptions.

TV reporters or weekly magazines’ writers outweigh politicians’ kickbacks or general contractors’ bribes because the former has too an intensive or strong power, with which they could expose politicians’ dirty money or force a popular comedian in full bloom to drop into the frightening or threatening hell, we agree.

A judicial hard blow “ Sentence Spring,” a famous weekly magazine, was successful in eliminating a big entertainer from their show business world last December.
There have been not a few rumors that he had committed sexual crimes for about three decades, but
this is only a rumor, and we must not believe it easily.
Whether he is guilty or not doesn’t matter to such an iron hammer because being extremely profitable is the top priority to disgusting weekly magazines.
His previous sponsors have left “him,” which deprived him of numerous opportunities to appear on the TV programs or earn a large amount of guarantees.
This exposure occurred suddenly at the end of 2023.

A drama series “Siren’s confession” has this story : a female newspaper reporter, who was suffering from sense of impatience, announced a fake news by mistake because she wanted a big scoop, and she finally was even in the way of the police investigations.
After all, she confessed that she was guilty and wrong.

We assume that she didn’t have to do such an additional task because she was a full time employee with a regular income like a newspaper reporter.
At the same time, she had no necessity to be informed of the truth before the police captured it.
Major mass media should prioritize the announcement by the press club, we assume.

A weekly magazine, however, has a different role from that of a newspaper company or a TV station.
Whether a writer or an editor writea big scoop or a small one does extremely matter to “judicial iron hammers.”
They continue a stakeout for many days or weeks to gain a decisive evidence, so that they could luckily took pictures of celebrities’ affairs, which is a beautiful story.
However, they rarely make it like this, in other words, their efforts would frequently end in vain, we agree.

Celebrities’ scandals outweigh politicians’ dirty pockets.
