


No, this suggestion isn’t supportable.
One reason makes the opinion unacceptable.

About a year has passed since a shocking online article hit on me, which said that a female employee working at a certain facility in Tokyo where she provides male customers with a sexual services, which requires him to pay an expensive admission fees.
She was the most popular cast there, and the shop’s concept was that every cast treats him with an extremely friendly attitude, in other words, “icha and icha” in Japanese language.

These shops’ profits are composed with the girls who have talents and efforts to make good friends with a customer who seeks for a satisfactory sexual services.
And what matters the most in this business is their appearances and styles with slender physicals, which is the ultimately best with politeness and consideration.

But there appears a male guest without knowledge about a cast’s feeling and emotion, to our regret, so that he tend to think that she might be personally affectionate toward himself by mistake.
She treats him because he pays a large amount of admission fees for her sexual but mechanical behaviors without any romantic feelings with a male customer, which is an order or indication from a shop, even with reluctance.
A customer incapable of figuring out her duty fails to understand the real truth, her reluctance.

The criminal became an extreme stalker, and the female cast naturally rejected his appointment, in other words, “no entry allowed.”
But he changed his mobile phone’s number, at the same time, he changed his handle name and entered her room with a dagger knife.

He met her again and pierced her with too a dangerous and critical tool over and over again, so that she was dead only to go to the heaven.
Actually, such a murder case wasn’t the first time for the same shop, but its concept wasn’t the decisive reason that he killed her, we assume.

It is true that the number of males who feel loneliness  and solitude in his daily life becomes larger and larger, who seek for the sexual services once in a while.
But they cannot find a true romance there, but it might be so difficult for them to distinguish a sexual service and a true romantic relationship with a girl around him.

This reason makes the question titled above unfavorable.
