


In march in 1983, he gained a reception letter from his desired university, which meant that he would become a freshman in three weeks, when his examinee season ended, in short, his bloody efforts could be rewarded.
During these months, he came across a tremendously large number of questions, some of which he solved, but an overwhelming large number of them were beyond his abilities, and he tried to answer the same questions.
He willingly corrected the questions he had previously mistaken again and again, which finally enabled him to arrive at his target destination, which has been one of his previous lessons since he obtained something vital.

We know the word “trial and error,” which means that we make an error when we encounter a problem, but we could approach a success when we could have another opportunity to answer it, and we finally gain an correct answer when we make efforts three times, which might be challenging, but we could gain a precious triumph.
We fail to achieve something successful without making bloody efforts, in other words, it might not be until we make numerous mistakes that we could have obtain a reception letter from our desired university, we assume.

We could safely call these efforts an experience level.
A female examinee has concentrated on her studies with the lecture movies on the tablet screen near here, which forced him to feel that time flies because he took his dependable tutors’ live lectures when he was one of a tremendously large number of examinees in Japan.
He could depend on numerous explanations written on the reference books, simultaneously, his bike commute might make his physical muscles more and more intense.
In those days, we haven’t been informed of the serious word “Global Warming Phenomenon,” in summer in 1982.
