


About 60 percent of voters participated in the Tokyo governor’s election, which took place about 10 days ago.
Whether this number is large or small should depend on individual sense of election, but actually about 40 percent of voters didn’t visit the election sites, so we might wonder if Tokyo residents are interested in their right to vote and determine their governor.

Most young people have been called “political apathy” for a long time, including what I used to be.
But such a sense belongs to numerous middle-aged people, which might make negative contributions to the electoral situation.
They are said to be too busy to join the election, which must be an empty excuse in vain because they could do early voting, which is the official electoral system.
Still more voters would have gone to election on that day.

Numerous independent voters aren’t interested in the election, which isn’t the truth because they cannot find the political party, whose manifests couldn’t appeal to their basic instincts after all.
In the case of this election, the voters had no right to support their favorite political party, and a certain candidate with a superior command of social media collected numerous popularities from a tremendous number of independent voters living in Tokyo.

Japan has no history that ordinary citizens won the voting rights against their administrations.
In contrast, European citizens have won their citizenship with their blood running on the battlefield.
Japan has the history that ordinary citizens have been robbed of their aggressiveness to resist against their authorities, so those around us could take advantage of our too friendly a character.
Japan has been drawing the poor lottery so far.
