


No, this suggestion isn’t supportable.
One reason makes the argument unacceptable.

The other day, there was an online article that a certain boys’ group present at a card-shop were accused with their body odor called “smell harassment.”
Such card-gamers are called “otaku” in Japanese, who seem a kind of representatives with stinkiness, many of whom might actually be someone with cleanliness or refreshing guys, however.

There have been numerous kinds of harassments in our society in recent years, and what strikes me the most is that not a few subordinates have been attacked by arrogant supervisors with terrible utterances or inconsiderate voices, so that not a few victims have killed themselves or committed suicide.
Something traumatic, actually, belongs to my brain.

The phrase “smell harassment” isn’t new because my wife blamed me for my odor about two decades ago, when such a word has made me be so careful not to release terrible and uncomfortable smell into my surroundings and precious environment.
This behavior has helped me be disgusted by my coworkers or colleagues nearby.

Several card-gamers emitting disgusting and strange odor at such shops might not have a custom to wash their clothes carefully every day or their costumes aren’t dried completely, we assume.
We seldom encounter any card-players with an illness called “wakiga,” a kind of serious disease.

This illness needs to be operated in the hospital because it is inherited from an ancestor, or a genetic disorder.
It could cost a patient about five hundred thousand yen without any insurance coverages when he or she takes an operation to address such an unfortunate disease.
A gamer without an illness has only to purchase a few deodorant supplies at a convenience store.

A little attention could prevent us from releasing any terrible smells into air or atmosphere, but a card-gamer is likely to reject our advices because he is absorbed in collecting something expensive, which are super-rare cards.
We recommend that he should be interested in hobbies except card games, which make a difference in our society because many politicians are in corruptions.
We must be careful about the balance when we consume our precious family budgets.

This reason makes the question titled above unfavorable.
