


A week has passed since Tokyo Governor’s Election ended, which over 60 percent of voters joined.
We didn’t spend one day without watching an ex-mayor candidate on TV program, which reported that he could attracted numerous independent voters or he collected a large amount of money with a crowdfunding system.
A senior harmful congressman could never have done.

He conducted his election campaign with epochal measures, and he declared that he would be a candidate in the first district of Hiroshima, from which the current prime minister became the Diet member in 1993.
These utterances of his brought several senior harmful congressmen into the most serious and critical situation.
After that, numerous bashings against him started with social media, which is responsible for the cowards.

The current prime minister’s electoral power base is the first district of Hiroshima, so his supporters are afraid that the ex-mayor candidate would run for there.
The current prime minister is likely to be eliminated from the Diet, which a large number of local supporters were conscious of sensitively because the ex-mayor’s passion and enthusiasm about Japan’s politics exploded.
At the same time, the current prime minister has been criticized for his unclear and indecisive explanations or statements about numerous secret money or kickbacks of the government party since the end of 2023.

Numerous bashings against the ex-mayor with the social media seemed extremely terrible and unforgivable.
One proper example is that he is a typical supervisor with powerful harassments, which isn’t a truth.
He was criticized more than required because he was against the existing political parties for their unfair use of ordinary citizens’ bloody tax.

He scolded a sleeping congressman with a loud snore during the vital conference, but such a guy couldn’t reflect on himself, instead he claimed it in the court for being threatened by the ex-mayor.
This senior guy should have admitted that he wasn’t considerate for the public people or ordinary citizens.
And he should have been replaced with young capable candidate in the election, we must remember.
