


Conspiracy theories attract my mind without fail.
These sometimes generate a strange man or woman.

This flight accident happened to capture my eyes and I found the shocking letters on the huge screen when I was walking around the downtown with my ex-girlfriend in 1985, whom I haven’t seen for about three decades.
The phrase “JAL Flight 123 crashed” captured my mind, which didn’t make me consider this accident as a usual conspiracy or something malicious by “him”, which might make people around me treat me as someone strange or odd in those days.
I was a completely innocent university student, who liked a girlfriend nearby desperately in 1985.

Considering this, I sometimes search for the truth about this accident, which makes me arrive at an interesting article by Hiroyuki, who invented a huge bulletin board named “2 channel” about three decades ago.
After that, I should feel something hostile by Microsoft by listening to his explanation, which makes me think that the developers of “Tron” must have gotten someone wealthy furious.

We cannot avoid considering this operating system as the most capable one, which should be going to be released around the globe to be installed on numerous personal notebook computers.
The developers of “Tron” would be going to deliver it to the world without any profits, in short, for free, which made Microsoft mad at them, or Microsoft didn’t admit that they cannot win “Tron” in the technical viewpoint.

The researchers of “Tron” were in the flight described above, which is the fact, but it became ambiguous while someone malicious took advantage of the mess.
In addition, one of survivors would be going to be an idol talent, a rumor said.
The truth was fade out to somewhere cleverly.

This accident might lead to the international agreement called Plaza accord where Japanese yen went up against US dollars by twice the rate, which has made Japan’s recession continue for three decades, called “lost 30 years”
In conclusion, we experienced Bubble Burst and Lehman Shock, which brought our society to the most critical situation in the economic viewpoint, but “lost 30 years” started in 1985, we assume.

Something sensitive is unlikely to be read by noters.
Not a few of them would find me, to my joy, we assume.
