


When we write a sentence in English, we could eliminate something Japanese with an inanimate subject.
But this technique makes our sentences a little solid, so it isn’t proper when we write an essay or poem.
In contrast, it might be appropriate or effective when we want to impose our intensive arguments on others.

An inanimate subject is unlikely to be utilized in our conversation because it isn’t casual.
Why did he changed his mind ?
I want to convert “he” into something inanimate.
What made him change his mind ?
The latter expression could be extremely difficult to use in our conversation, we assume.

It was the first time for me to write a comment to other’s contents in the morning, which was written in English.
I happened to find a short essay written by one of my followers, so it was a little trial.
Its writing style was a kind of poem, so I didn’t use an inanimate subject, probably.
If someone likes my comment in English, I would do the same in my free time.

It is burdensome and troublesome for me to translate a long sentence in Japanese into English in the mental or temporal viewpoint.
When I can afford to write such a comment, I’m willing to do so in my free time, and finally I want to translate a long novel series into English someday.

There are a few advantages when we write a sentence with an inanimate subject : we can change a little soft sentence into a cool and short one.
This is an easy example.
He did nothing because he was so tired.
We might stop using “he” as a subject.
His fatigue prevented him from doing something.
The latter is a little long, we apologize.
