


No, this suggestion isn’t supportable.
One reason makes the opinion unacceptable.

Almost all people around us are left-handed, the reason of which lies in humans’ history.
Right-handed people could share the same tool with each other, in other words, left-handed people found it difficult to use the tool for right-handed.
In order to survive their critical situations, people needed to cooperate with the same tools for right-handed.

Several surveys say that there are only 10 percent of left-handed people in our society, which we find difficult to believe because we watch many capable left-handed pitchers in the professional baseball world.
A several decades ago, left-handed children were forced to use right hand against their will when they were writing letters in front of their parents.

In a certain culture, there is said to be clear and obvious difference between a right hand and a left one : the former is holly or sacred, while the latter is used when they treat something dirty or unnecessary.
This explanation sounds extremely unscientific, and we cannot help considering this story as a myth.

By the way, left-handed players have various kinds of advantages in the sports’ world, which is true of personal competition like a boxing or a karate.
We have often heard that a right-handed table tennis player finds it troublesome and burdensome to fight with a left-handed opponent.

In the professional baseball world, things described above aren’t the case because not a few players use their right hand when they are a pitcher, while they are in the left-handed batters’ box when they hit a ball.
In addition, the number of right-handed batters is small in a certain team, so they are highly evaluated.

Whether someone is right-handed or left-handed doesn’t matter in our society because this theme isn’t one of the serious social issues at all.
Someone wanted me to mention the subject except a social problem, but it is extremely difficult because the conclusion doesn’t make a difference.
After all, we cannot be satisfied with something trivial.

This reason makes the question titled above unfavorable.
