


In the memorial park in Hiroshima, the annual ceremony has been held, we pray for the world peace and various kinds of lost souls, a tremendously large number of the atomic bomb’s victims, to our shame, the fake leftism opposition resistance are in the way with a loud voice.
Social media shows us the opposition slogan, meaning that Gaza district shouldn’t be attacked, however, we have learned that both sides could have the right to believe what they have in their mind, an article says.

Social justice tends to force the opposition movement to be obedient and reasonable, but these behaviors should be wrong in the democratic viewpoint, which might be similar to the fact that children cannot speak against what their parents order them to do at home because both social justice and parental power are something compulsory and unreasonable, in other words, we have the right to express our opinion, whether it is something positive or something negative doesn’t matter, in short, we must be equipped with this right as one of humans.

In the vertical hierarchy of the vicious muscles’ mass, younger subordinates must surrender themselves to their supervisors, which is wrong in the democratic viewpoint.
When we could compare the annual ceremony to the funeral, the undesirably loud voices from the antiwar campaigners is the very damned nuisances, we know.
Simultaneously, they should tell the main leader of Israel not to attack Gaza district with their direct voices in vain.

Various kinds of slogans by the antiwar protesters should twinkle like the eyes of the main female characters in our favorite comic books and TV anime series, to our fun.
In 1969, Ryu Murakami led the students movement in order to make friends with his favorite female student, which demonstrates that almost all movement protesters won’t devote themselves to such meaningless behaviors from the bottom of their hearts, in short, the fake leftists fail to feel concerned about numerous children in Gaza district seriously and earnestly, who participate in the session because their supervisors forced them to visit the memorial park with loudspeakers and megaphones.
They mustn’t forget to bring a typical white helmet.
What confuses us the most might be that they would be taken to the hospital due to the heatstroke, to our joy.
