


No, this opinion isn’t supportable.
One reason makes this argument unacceptable.

The number of people without enough living expenses has been increasing dramatically in our society in recent years, but Japan used to have a phrase “most citizens find themselves in the middle class” several decades ago, which seems surprisingly different from what Japan is.

We can safely say that our government is responsible for the current economic situation, and not a few citizens naturally require them to improve the quality of our life.
In fact, a political party suggests that “universal basic income” should be introduced into our society.

This system means that every citizen regularly receives a amount of money from a government or an organization without any conditions, which is determined by Japan’s Constitution so that he or she could lead a minimum standard of life.

We could assume that the number of crimes like stealing someone’s belongings or injuring others with violence would become smaller when the number of people who suffer from anxieties or concerns about their future decreases, which keeps our society stable.
There are both advantages and disadvantages in this system, however.

Some citizens might think that they need not have a motivation to work hard because they could lead an easy life without any own jobs or businesses.
As a result, our government might fail to gain an income taxation stably because the number of hard workers could become smaller in the workforce.

There are certainly a large number of poor people who struggle in a long recession in our society, but not all of ordinary citizens have such an emotion because not many millionaires exist in Japan.
Unfair distribution of wealth must be one of the crucial causes of the current economic situation in Japan.
What seems the most effective, we believe, is that both consumption taxation should abolished and corporation taxation should be increased are the top priority, which are the most urgent assignment of our government.

This reason makes the question titled above unfavorable.
