Hegel "Philosophy of Law" (2)

November 29, 2021

Hegel does not use the term constitutional monarchy. The four principles of the formalization of self-consciousness, and the world historical territories (Orient, Greece, Rome, Germanic) that followed them, also reminded me of the exchange style of Kojin Karatani. In the Third Rome world, there were aristocratic and democratic governments, but the problems of both were talked about. The fourth formalization creates the truth of the spirit as the world of legal reality, and it is said that the German world that follows it has the principle of unification of divinity and humanity. It may be said that Hegel's intention toward a constitutional monarchy appears around here. The four categories are talked about, suggesting that the fourth is the final form, but the fact that four coexistences are allowed and the fourth talks about divinity is similar to that of Karatani.

Hegel "Philosophy of Law" (Iwanami Bunko)
Part 3 Humanity (142-360)
Chapter 3 National C World History
Each concrete idea, that is, each national spirit, has its truth and regulation in the concrete idea that is absolute universal-the world spirit. Surrounding the throne of the world spirit, those national spirits exist as performers of the realization of the world spirit, as well as witnesses and decorations of the dignity of the world spirit. This self-consciousness is because the world spirit is a movement of self-consciousness that absolutely knows itself as a spirit and, therefore, releases one's consciousness from the form of natural directness and leads to oneself. There are four principles of morphology in its liberation process, that is, in the territory of world history.

The fourth principle of formalization is that this conflict of the mind is transformed, that is, the mind accepts its truth and its concrete essence in its inner nature, and is at ease and reconciled in its objectivity. Also, because this spirit, which has returned to its original substance, is a spirit that has returned from infinite conflict, it is to create and know the truth of this spirit as an idea and as a world of legal reality. ..

According to these four principles, there are four territories in world history. 1 Orient, 2 Greece, 3 Rome, 4 German.

3 The world of Rome
Conflicts arose from the substantive intuition of the aristocracy against the principle of free personality in democratic forms, leading to myths and ruthless and greedy claims of power on the aristocracy's side. On the side of, it leads to the fall of the vagrant.

4 Germanic world
This is the principle of unification of divinity and humanity, and is nothing but a reconciliation between objective truth and freedom that occurs within self-consciousness or subjectivity, but carrying out this reconciliation is the reconciliation of the German peoples. It is left to the northern principle (173). (173) "Philosophy of History" Part 4 Germanic World (stw Ⅻ, 413ff). It is clear that Hegel calls German here not only in Germany. It can be seen as the whole of Northern Europe, which is generally regarded as representative of Western Europe.
