

ハンガリー is a Country in Central Europe. It is located in the Carpathian basin. Its population is 9,6 million(2022). The area of the country is 93 030 square km. The Capital City of Hungary is Budapest(ブダぺスト). Budapest population is 1,6 million(2022). Hungary has 19 County. Hungary's neighbour Countries are Romania,Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia and Ukraine.

Hungary location in Europe

Hungary's biggest peak is Kékes which is 1014 m above the sea level. The least point is 75,8 m which can be found near Röszke. Around the Countries 70% is suitable for agriculture. The Countries biggest Rivers are the Duna and the Tisza. Duna flows through Budapest. Duna river length is 2850 km From which 417 km can be find in Hungary. Tisza's length is 962 km from which 584,9 km can be find in the country. There are some lakes in the Country like Balaton, Fertő lake, Tisza lake and Velence Lake. Fertő lake can be find in 2 countries area one is Hungary and the other is Austria.

Velence lake

In Hungary you can find one of the biggest Thermal water supply and thermal lake(Hévíz-lake). Here can find Central Europe biggest lake the Balaton and biggest grass plain the Hortobágy National Park. Balaton is number one summer resort where people go during summer. its Beach length is 235km. its avarege depth 3-3,2m. its biggest depth is 11m. A lot of people like go here for a bike trip, because you can make a circle around the lake during 1 day. You can find Balaton in 3 Counties(Zala,Somogy and Veszprém). Luckily I live In Zala county so it is not a long trip for me to reach Balaton around 45 minutes by car on motorway.


Hortobágy National Park is located in the Ester part of the Country. Hortobágy was the first National park in the Country. Its Area is 82 000 hectare. From 1999 The Hortobágy is part of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. 4 counties can be found in this area(Hajdú-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok és Szabolcs-Szatmár Bereg, Heves). Personally I was never in Hortobágy, because it is on the other half of the Country and it would be a long trip from here to there.

Balaton during winter

Hévíz-lake is one of the biggest thermal lakes in the world. Hévíz is located at the west part of the Country near the Balaton. The area of the lake is 4,44 hectare. its biggest depth is 38 m. The spring cave's water yield is 410 l/s and its temperature is 38 °C. During summer the lake's temperature is 33-35 °C,but on hotter days it can reach 36-38 °C. During winter and autumn its temperature is 24-26 °C. The nearest sea from the Country is the Adria sea which is 300 km far from the Country.

Last summer I visited some big cities in my area in Hungary. Maybe next blog posts I am going to write about these cities. Thank you for reading so far.
