

こんにちは、Choimirai School のサンミンです。

0  はじめに



1  日本語





【補足】再生産数 R0の値とドイツ医療崩壊の時期の関係は、

  ■ 1.1 → 10月
  ■ 1.2 → 7月
  ■ 1.3 → 6月



2  英語

The curve has become flatter. It needs to be like this so it doesn’t overtax our heath system. We have made model observations.

We’re now at about reproduction factor 1, so one person is infecting another one. I can only say that for one chain of infection if one person will infect another person. That is an average of one person infecting another one.If we get to the point where everybody infects 1.1 people, then by October we will reach the capacity level of our health system with the assumed numbers of intensive care beds.

If we get to 1.2 people, so everyone is infecting 20 per cent more, out of five people, one infects two and the rest one, then we will reach the limit of our healthcare system in July. And if it's up to 1.3 people, then in June we will reach the limits of our health system.

So that’s where you can see how little the margin is. And the whole evolution is based on the fact that we can assume that we have an infection figure that we can monitor, that we can track, and that we have more protection concepts and thanks to them we can loosen restrictions. But it is thin ice, as Mr Tschentscher (Hamburg Mayor) said, or a fragile situation, or really a situation where caution is the order of the day and not overconfidence.

3  新型コロナの指数関数的な増加


4  一部緩和計画の詳細


... schools will gradually start to reopen from 4 May. ... Large public gatherings including religious services will remain banned until 31 August. Bars, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and music venues will all remain closed. ...
