

こんにちは、Choimirai Schoolのサンミンです。

0  はじめに

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1  利用するモデル


2  創作料理のレシピ


🧑🏼‍🍳Human: Brainstorm Japanese fusion recipes with a little bit of Italian taste.
1. Fusilli with Wagyu ragu
2. Spaghetti with eel and mushrooms
3. Soba carbonara
4. Couscous with kimchi and grilled salmon
5. Tempura sushi rolls
6. Teriyaki chicken pizza
7. Spicy tuna tartare tacos
8. Japanese-style paella
9. Sakura chicken risotto
10. Wasabi crusted steak


Human: What does the sound of takoyaki ravioli?
AI: The sound of takoyaki ravioli is definitely unique! It's a bit like a cross between traditional Italian ravioli and Japanese takoyaki dumplings. The outer layer of the ravioli is made of a light and crispy takoyaki batter, while the inside is filled with a savory mix of minced meat, vegetables, and seasonings. The result is a delicious and unusual fusion dish that is sure to please both Italian and Japanese food lovers alike!

料理のレシピにつきましては、Ingredientsから聞いてもいいですし、単純に「How can I make it?」でも作り方を教えてくれます。


Human: What drinks would go well with it?
AI: There are a variety of drinks that would go well with takoyaki ravioli. For a traditional Japanese pairing, try serving the dish with green tea or soy sauce. If you want to try something a bit more unusual, try pairing the ravioli with a fruity red wine or a sweet dessert wine. No matter what you choose, your guests are sure to enjoy this delicious and unique dish!

3  創作料理のイメージ

レシピの確認ができましたらStable Diffusionなどを使って、料理の画像を作ってもらうこともできます。

プロンプト:japanese fusion cuisine, takoyaki ravioli


プロンプト:japanese fusion cuisine, takoyaki ravioli


4  ピザのレシピ

もちろん創作料理ではなく普通の料理のレシピを確認することもできます。ピザの作り方を聞いた時の様子です。手順を確認するときは、「walk me through」もよく使います。

Human: Can you please walk me through?
AI: Sure! To make a great pizza, start by preheating the oven to a high temperature, around 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, choose the type of pizza dough you want to use. For a traditional pizza, use a thin and crispy dough. For a thicker and more chewy pizza, use a dough that is a bit thicker and less crispy. Once you have chosen your dough, stretch it out into an even circle and place it on a baking sheet or pizza stone. Next, add your favorite toppings to the pizza. Some popular toppings include pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, onions, and peppers. Once you have added your toppings, bake the pizza in the oven for 10-12 minutes, or until the

5  まとめ


