
Occasionally, wander without a destination, but never run.

Taking a moment to escape the clamor of daily life and surrendering to the simple act of walking can be a blissful respite for our weary minds and hearts. Walking at a steady rhythm often allows unexpected ideas to surface, as the gentle stimulation of the brain fosters creativity.
By wandering without a set destination or direction, we can view familiar scenes and crowds with fresh eyes. Such aimless strolls frequently yield surprising ideas and solutions. For instance, when a meeting becomes contentious, a brief escape to breathe in the fresh air might inspire a brilliant solution.
However, do not despair if no ideas come to mind. Good ideas do not always appear on demand. Simply stepping away from your desk for even 15 minutes and taking a casual walk outside can help organize your thoughts. Observing the passing people can bring clarity to your mind. Walking calms the spirit and naturally induces relaxation. As your thoughts align, scattered ideas connect into lines, lines into surfaces, and surfaces into three-dimensional forms.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, you might have heard the term “PCR” in the news. Dr. Kary Mullis, who discovered the principle of PCR and won the Nobel Prize, famously conceived this groundbreaking idea while driving with his girlfriend. Although this did not occur during a walk, it exemplifies how excellent ideas can emerge at unexpected moments.
However, never run. The nascent ideas might dissipate. If you rush back to your desk, you might completely forget that brilliant idea. Once forgotten, the idea may never return.
In such cases, the only remedy is to walk the same route at the same pace again. The idea might smile upon you once more. Therefore, occasionally wander slowly without a destination. New discoveries and insights may be waiting for you.

Greetings, I am Kuzei Ryosei, a novelist who delves into a diverse array of genres, spanning from the historical to the contemporary. My aim is to enchant readers with tales that breathe life into history and explore the intricate issues of modern society. I warmly invite you to reach out to me.
