
Positive and Negative impacts Promiscuity For Teens

Socializing on the environment and our fellow human beings indeed, become the nature of every creature in livers.

Not close to teen age, search for identity and a new experience in his life. Promiscuity in the lives of the young will one day take him to the future good or bad, because if the first is already bad will be difficult to change into good condition. Here's how to avoid promiscuity in adolescents.

An example of promiscuity in the school environment, if not good at choosing the young can fall to the friend who brought the impact of bad drugs, fighting, skipping school and so on. To determine the impact of positive and negative promiscuity for teenagers who need to watch out for, here's an example :





1. Falling Prey To The Drug

One example of the impact of the bad promiscuity for teenagers can cause the effect to drugs such as narcotics, sedatives and so on.

Teenagers who tend to want to try new things, if not filtered in the mix then it could choose the wrong friends. So the role of parents is very important in choosing a friend and associate of the child, to avoid juvenile delinquency deviant. An example of the negative influence of juvenile delinquency in the surrounding community.

2. Tawuran Remaja

Dampak positif dan negatif pergaulan bebas bagi remaja lain secara negatifnya adalah remaja mudah terbawa kepada kenakalan remaja, seperti terjadi tawuran, bullying, provokasi dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.

Usia remaja memang rentan terhadap provokasi dan isu yang tidak jelas kebenarannya, dan faktor emosi yang labil. Sehingga sangat mungkin terjadi penyimpanangan kenakalan remaja karena salah dalam bergaul dan terlalu bebas tanpa tahu batasan yang baik dan benar.

3. Free Sex

The impact of the other worse in the hang freely for a teenager that could have an impact to casual sex, many teenagers who want to try and want to know about it.

If wrong in choosing the way and the friendship could be just the teenager will try to do that, and certainly the impact is vatal.

In addition he will be ostracized in the status of the school, humiliated by religion, the anger of a parent, also diseases that will be suffered very serious.

So the role of parents is very important in the supervision of each of the activities children teens. Some psychological impact due to the free sex out parents do know.

4. Liquor and Cigarettes

In addition to the impact of another bad promiscuity is affected to liquor and cigarettes. He said that not smoking let alone try hard not slang even shunned from the community and the association.

In fact, if they are good at choosing and knowing what the impact of the bad it is certainly they will stay away from things that lead to disaster.

5. Have A Lot Of Friends

Positive impact in promiscuity one of the teens became more friends, both from the seusinya up to adult age.

They will be easily accepted because it can socialize well, and can adapt to the new environment. So wherever the go they have a solidarity that is high and tolerance for each other. Very important role of parents in fostering children young than now.

6. A New Experience

Examples of positive and negative impacts promiscuity for other teens is that they have the experience, knowledge, interests, new friends that could give a spirit, the information and exchange ideas to face the problems that there are.

New experiences make the young learn to be more independent, appreciate and be able to think wisely about the conditions, situations and new environments.

7. Able To Think In A Mature Way

Because it has a lot of friends and association smoke, the perceived benefits of children teenagers become have the mindset and attitude of the adult.

The knowledge and insights open then it makes them understand more and can understand what is good and what is not good. So able to overcome all problems with a cool head. The following examples support and role of the family in adolescent development that are important done by the parents.

The explanation of the positive and negative effects of promiscuity for the young, may make the knowledge and the benefits to You in supervising Your teen get along well and right.
