
Write a fictional story that involves ghosts. (Maximum 300)


Summary: 1
A famous centuries-old haunted house in Ireland where some people believe to have seen ghosts is on sale for $2,9 million.

Essay: Fictional Story Writing
Write a fictional story that involves ghosts. (Maximum 300)

Anxiety Creates A Shadow

Having a family must be meaningful for men in their life. That is why even though they are dead they might try to see their family. This is the story I clearly remembered happening to me.

In the middle of the night, I awoke because of the difficulty of breathing. When opening my eyes, I saw my grandfather sitting on my chest and choking my neck. He looked pale but he was able to do that with great strength. I did not know what was going on.
He screamed, “I do not want to die alone! I am scared to go to the other world. So, we will go there together.”
He choked me even more. I could not breathe and I felt I was dying.
“No, please stop it! It is very painful. I do not want to die, too! Why are you doing this? Please don’t do this grandpa!!” I was crying out inside because I could not speak due to being choked.
When I seriously thought I was dying, he disappeared suddenly. The scene looked monotone and it remained only silence. I could not go back to sleep owing to fear at that time. The next morning, I got a call from my mom.
“Your grandfather passed away in the middle of the night.”
That gave me a chill. I remembered he was crying when he was screaming. It made me sad to know how scared he was at that time.

Many strange things happened to me. For example, sometimes my stereo suddenly started in the middle of the night. However, these scary phenomena might have been just created by the imagination because of my anxiety. I am sure I felt a strange existence that night, but there is no evidence that it really came to see me.
