
Essay: Comparative Writing Select two restaurants / food establishments you have been to and make comparison between them.


Summary: 1
Foie gras, which is haute cuisine made from force-fed duck and goose liver, is banned in New York for the inhumanness, which ignites workers related to the product.

Essay: Comparative Writing

Select two restaurants / food establishments you have been to and make comparison between them.

Learning Filipino Life

As I like to eat local foods, I usually go to a local restaurant during lunchtime. In my observation, even though employees work in the same company, there is a gap between rich people and poor people when they select the restaurant at lunch.

One is an outside restaurant. It is crowded every day with workers. Customers look ordinary people but not rich because of their clothes or atmosphere. Aside from the customers, the price in the restaurant is reasonable. For example, two dishes with one rice cost below100 pesos and the amount of them is enough to satisfy their appetite. Furthermore, the taste is decent though the sellers seem to be usual housewives, not chefs. As there are only simple outdoor tables outside on the grounds, sometimes customers have to sit together with unknown people or suddenly caught the rain. The atmosphere is just as local, but the chatting sounds from tables makes you feel that you are part of local people.

Another is also an open-air restaurant, but it looks like a big hut in a tropical beach. There are big tables in the restaurant with fully personal space from the other tables. Customers enjoy talking only with mates. They look like rich single people because their atmosphere is noble. The cost is double or triple compared with the former outside restaurant, but it is very tasty and also it looks under hygienic conditions. People from foreign countries can eat their dishes without worries. People can feel tropical breeze even in the middle of the buildings, which feel relaxed while eating in a short lunch period.

There are two types of outdoor restaurants near the office. As employees have different background, the amount of money they can spend is quite different even in the same company. However, luckily, people in both restaurants look very happy. Seeing them, you might realize if people have others to share good time together, they can live happily.
