
[地球一周49〜52日目]LA→San Francisco



ビバリーヒルズはDFSの街中版で、シャネルなど高級ショップが立ち並びます。近くに「Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel」という、映画「プリティウーマン」で使われたホテルもあります。ドアマンがウェルカムな感じだったので、ちょっと中を見学。大きなシャンデリアがあって、階段の角度やバルコニーから見渡せる景色がすごく計算されてると感じました。螺旋階段をただ降りてるだけで、普段の格好をしてるのにお姫様な気分が味わうという初感覚でした。

またリフトに乗ってロサンゼルス国際空港へ。でもアプリで向かう方向と真逆に進んでいく・・・。やばい、これはどこに連れていかれるんだ汗 この人怖そうだしなぁ。。と怖々聞いてみると、「リフトのGPSがうまく作動してないから、今Google mapで向かってるよ。あと30分で着くから、大丈夫」と意外と丁寧に優しく答えてくれました。



今日の音楽 Superfly「Beautiful」
駅につく 仕事はじめる ホームレス

The last thing I wanted to do in Los Angeles was the Paramount Studio Tour. The place where Titanic and Transformers were made. I had made a reservation for the lift the day before, but it was more than 15 minutes late because Los Angeles is particularly busy in the morning and evening... I checked on the app that I finally arrived, but I couldn't find the car, so I canceled it. I tried to rebook, but the lift driver wasn't around and the tour started in 30 minutes. Just when I was wondering what to do, the uncle of the taxi called out to me, and I managed to arrive on time. With more than 20 studios, casual sidewalks and benches have been used in movies like Forrest Gump. When I saw Bumblebee or the Terminator, I felt like it was real. When I saw Brad Pitt's costume, I thought it was surprisingly small, and there was a Johnny Depp prop that I had seen before.

Other than that, we went to see the famous Hollywood street where the Chinese Theater is located. The place where the Academy Award ceremony is held every year is similar to Kokusai Street in Okinawa. Beverly Hills is the downtown version of DFS, with luxury shops such as Chanel. There is also a hotel used in the movie "Pretty Woman" called "Beverly Wilshire, A Four Seasons Hotel" nearby. The doorman was welcoming, so I took a look inside. There was a large chandelier, and I felt that the angle of the stairs and the view from the balcony were well calculated. It was the first time I felt like a princess just by walking down the spiral staircase.

Take the lift back to Los Angeles International Airport. But the app goes in the opposite direction... Oh my God, where is this being taken?  This person looks scary. . When I timidly asked, "The lift's GPS isn't working properly, so I'm heading to the lift using Google Maps. I'll be there in 30 minutes, so it's okay." There are various lift drivers, and the older brother I first met in Florida is a good talker and we became friends. An uncle who came from Egypt for more than 15 years said, "America is work work work. If you want to spend your life, you should live outside of America. Spending only one month a year in your hometown is life."

I managed to get to San Francisco and took the train for the first time in a while. I am grateful that customers and station staff will kindly teach me if I am in trouble. Homeless people have big backpacks and look pretty. So I didn't realize that the person who was kind enough to tell me something when I was charging my transportation card was homeless. . After I charged it somehow, a lot of coins came out, and when I was like, "Give me $2," I politely declined. It's been more than a month since I came to America, and I feel that alone time is really important. It's nice to be able to make friends by interacting with various people at a hostel, but for me, it's important to absorb what I've seen and heard at the hotel and think for myself.

If I hadn't been born an American and didn't have a language barrier, I wouldn't be like this, and I wouldn't have been so excited about traveling abroad. The service received by the amount of money does not go up. While receiving warm hospitality at a reasonable hotel in Houston, a hotel in Las Vegas where you only had to use an app from check-in to check-out and didn't speak a single word to the staff. Of course, there are shining parts of America such as Hollywood and New York. The language, the food, and the way of life are all different in a foreign country.

Today's music Superfly "Beautiful"
Arriving at the station Starting work Homeless[haiku]

ひとりの人間の真摯な仕事は  おもいもかけない遠いところで  小さな小さな渦巻きをつくる           「小さな渦巻き」茨城のりこ