
[地球一周23日目]Goodbye NY→Hello washington

ロンドンでは運転手さんへの挨拶はとくになかったですが、NYでは地元の方と運転手さんはすごく仲良しな雰囲気を感じたりします。How are you? から「いつもの駅までお願い〜」と話すおばあちゃんやおじいちゃんなど、愛されてる印象です。すごく荒い方も時にいらっしゃいますが笑

washington deluxeというバスでNYからワシントンのUnion stationまで4時間半ほど(約5,800円)。口コミの評価が良かったので、使ってみました。前日の問い合わせメールに1日ほどで返信が来てましたので、信用できると感じました。バスに乗る前に名前と行き先まで確認していたし、運転手さんが自らお客さんの荷物を乗せていました。運転は丁寧でいつもはスマホ操作していると車酔いする私が、全然酔わなかったほど。座席は柔らかくて4時間乗る分にはOKでした。(このサイトで予約しました→https://www.kayak.com/trains/NYC-WAS/2022-07-24?sort=depart_a



今日の音楽 YUI「Feel My Soul」
ゆっくりと 暑さたわむれ ワシントン

Today I moved from NY to Washington. The bus driver kindly told me to the station where I got off, and I was grateful for the polite driving. In London, the locals didn't say hello to the driver, but in NY, the locals and the driver feel very close to each other. I have the impression that they are loved by grandmas and grandpas who say "Please go to the usual station" from How are you ?. Some people are very rough.
It takes about four and a half hours (about 5,800 yen) from NY to Union station in Washington by bus called washington deluxe. The review was good, so I tried using it. I received a reply to the inquiry email the day before in about a day, so I felt that I could trust it. Before getting on the bus, a staff checked the name and destination, and the driver himself carried the customer's luggage. Driving is polite and I get motion sick when I usually operate my smartphone, but I never got motion sick. The seats were soft and it was OK for 4 hours. (Reserved on this site → https://www.kayak.com/trains/NYC-WAS/2022-07-24?sort=depart_a)

There is UNIQLO in the union station, and the clerk is friendly. I think the price is the same as or a little higher than in Japan. A hall is like a church. A statue of a person is placed at the top, creating a sacred atmosphere. It's the most beautiful station in Los Angeles, built about 80 years ago. Then I got on the bus, but the driver said, "Sit down anyway," similar to NY. Like NY, some sightseeing courses in Washington seem to have free sections. And then, it's hot anyway. I remember Fukui on the second day ... It was 37 degrees at 15:00, and the heat exceeded 30 degrees even at sunset at 20:00. But I'm glad to see the air where the mask can be removed from NY, which was in the state of Nausicaa in the Valley of the Wind for the first time in a while. If the wind passes and it is in the shade, I can manage to spend it.

Thanks to the friends I met in England, I got the courage to speak to myself and made friends in the United States. I really appreciate the encounter. This time I got a hotel with a single room for the first time in a while, so I'm relaxing. This kind of time is also important. In Japan, you can get a good single room at a hotel for 8,000 yen, but in London and NY, the 6-person room at the hostel is full at this time. You can see the difference in prices here as well. It's easy to be in a single room because you can relax, you can use bath towels, and you don't have to check if you have locked it. And I would like to thank my family and everyone who supported me to continue this trip. The homeless I saw every day on the NY subway. I haven't had any problems with food, clothing and shelter since I was born, and I have been given an environment where I can travel. I will do my best to do my best without forgetting that it is a blessed environment.

Today's music YUI "Feel My Soul"
Slowly heat up Washington[haiku]


ひとりの人間の真摯な仕事は  おもいもかけない遠いところで  小さな小さな渦巻きをつくる           「小さな渦巻き」茨城のりこ