
[地球一周47〜48日目]Adventure & Angels


ロサンゼルスといえば、エンジェルスの本拠地。ということで行ってきました♪ 初めての野球観戦。エンジェルスVSマリナーズ。エンジェルスの選手は体格ががっちりしてて、マリナーズの選手はイチローのような細身な感じ。本当にイチローみたいなストレッチや走り方をしてるのが印象的でした。
今日の音楽 ロードオブメジャー「play the game」
3日間 陽を浴びただけで 黒くなる

I went to Disney California Adventure. Like Disneyland, there are nostalgic music and live singing bands, and there is a Ferris wheel. I remembered Space World and thought it was good. There is a version of this Ferris wheel that goes around and moves sideways, and it seems to be quite scary. I wanted to ride it, but it just stopped working, so next time.

Los Angeles is the home of the Angels. So I went ♪ It was my first time watching a baseball game. Angels vs Mariners. The Angels player has a solid build, and the Mariners player looks like Ichiro. It was impressive that he was really stretching and running like Ichiro. There were many Japanese fans, and advertisements for Vantelin, Yakult, Nintendo, etc. were running. It was interesting to see how the dirt was flattened before the start and the lines were drawn. Starting with the American national anthem, there is loud music during the play. Shohei Otani hit and ran and was very active. As a team, we lost, but as an individual, we were fascinated.

Today's Music Road of Major "play the game" It turns black just by being exposed to the sun for 3 days[haiku]

ひとりの人間の真摯な仕事は  おもいもかけない遠いところで  小さな小さな渦巻きをつくる           「小さな渦巻き」茨城のりこ