
[地球一周53〜56日目]感動とは What is impression






今日の音楽 ジョン・ケージ:ミュージサーカス(1967)

不快臭 涼やかな風 ケーブルカー

I can't get enough of my stomach... I'm homesick for the second time because I want to eat the usual Japanese food. I've been wanting to eat curry for the first time since the third day I went to England and couldn't help but want to eat rice. I received it from a nice smiling brother in about 20 minutes using DoorDash, which is like Uber Eats. But when I try eating sushi and curry in America, it's somehow different. . Sweet soy sauce and spicy curry with no umami, I guess Americans like this taste. British cutlet curry was delicious. Surprised by the human power of the cable car more than expected. Shuri also has a lot of slopes, but there are a lot of uphills and downhills. It starts and stops abruptly than I thought, and the inside is narrow ... lol

From Fisherman's Wharf, you can see Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge, which is about 80% hidden in the smoke of ships, while listening to the seagulls. The hut that was at the end of the fence that was forbidden to enter on the way out, but on the way back it was engulfed in hellfire, which is like being overseas. Dozens of firefighters came, as if they were in Hollywood, many fire trucks, and water cannons came from the sea. The police yelled at me, "Move!" San Francisco seems to have a lot of fires even if you watch the news. I think it's unique in San Francisco that there are homeless people who have fixed positions in front of certain shops and streets.

The concert of Yoichi Ochiai and the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra that I was interested in. It was midnight this time, but it was my first experience with overseas delivery. Only overseas, a high-quality sound distribution "MUSIC / SLASH" was used. The amazing camera work makes me feel like I'm really looking around at Suntory Hall in Tokyo. And the sound is better than I expected. Suntory Hall is such a wonderful place that you can hear the sound of applause like music, so while remembering that. Okinawan music, Ainu music, Western musical instruments, bells, Buddhist horn flutes, etc. are all mixed together and chaotic, and "music" includes the audience's breathing and heartbeats, and the emotions that make you wonder what the hell is going on. It became To be honest, until I started this trip, I thought that going to the actual place would definitely give me an experience that would impress me. However, I was moved by the feeling that this live music concert was more heartfelt than the Broadway concert, which I saw so close that I could see the expressions of the actors.

I'm sure everyone has their own preferences, but not all Americans are technically better than Japan, and vice versa. There's a lot of noise from 6 in the morning, and you can enjoy food from all over the world on your doorstep. There are pros and cons everywhere. I'm tired of listening to English, and I think it's me who cares about not being able to communicate well in English. There are times when I feel so depressed that I don't even want to step outside, but there are still places I want to see. step by step again.
Today's Music John Cage: Music Circus (1967) Unpleasant smell, cool breeze, cable car[haiku]

ひとりの人間の真摯な仕事は  おもいもかけない遠いところで  小さな小さな渦巻きをつくる           「小さな渦巻き」茨城のりこ