
[地球一周18・19日目]全然・・・ Re knead

地下鉄に間違わずに乗れるようになったものの、とてもNYは私にとっては疲れる場所です。高層ビルにむわっとするビル風。The batteryという自由の女神が遠くに見える公園など、NYには大きめな公園で憩う人が多くいますが、人として生きていくために欠かせない場所だと感じます。


今日の音楽 宇多田ヒカル「One Last Kiss」
息をする 意識をたもつ 今を見る


Yesterday, to the spot where you can see the Statue of Liberty. It was farther than I expected, and I saw it as big as my thumb. It seems that tours that go nearby by boat are popular. Then go to ground zero. The North Pool and South Pool (waterfall-like water flowing in the memorial pool), with the names of about 3,000 victims on the square marble, had a quiet and calm atmosphere. The place I was watching on TV when 9/11 happened, even though I was a kid, something very scary happened. Many people were visiting. Although I can get on the subway without making a mistake, it is a very tiring place for me. A building style that makes you feel like a skyscraper. There are many people in NY who relax in large parks such as The battery, a park where the Statue of Liberty can be seen in the distance, but I feel that it is an indispensable place to live as a person. The air in the city is not clean, so I get cold sweat just by walking.

And the toilet situation in NY. I can't really find it ... To get to the bathroom, go to the hostel or pay to go to a cafe or museum. It's always locked, and the top and bottom of the door are open enough for adults to pass through for crime prevention. When I try to go to the bathroom with Starbucks, there is even a place where people say, "Only employees can use this place."
I didn't feel like going out today, so I went inside the hostel. If you want to be alone, it is recommended that you stay in the hostel for a day because there are often no people in the same room. However, there are some things that I'm worried about, such as the sound of opening and closing the toilet near the room, and the bed shaking every time people walk because of the structure inside the room. And then the problem of money ... The ticket is too expensive and the funds are running low ... There is no plan at all. Re-knead.
Today's music Hikaru Utada "One Last Kiss" Take a breath, have a consciousness, look at the present[haiku]

ひとりの人間の真摯な仕事は  おもいもかけない遠いところで  小さな小さな渦巻きをつくる           「小さな渦巻き」茨城のりこ