
地球一周12日目]美女と野獣 Beauty and the Beast

美女と野獣のミュージカルをThe london palladiumへ観に行ってきました。ほぼ満席の大人気。ディズニーの家にあるビデオは全部英語版でした。日本語吹き替えがあればいいなぁと思ってた時期もあったけど、今思うと英語版で良かったなと改めて思いました。
ディズニー映画の有名な曲はもちろん、ミュージカル限定の曲もあってキャストそれぞれの心情がよく出ていた。内装はお城の中のような豪華さで伝統的なシアター。観客席はうまく全員が舞台を見れる配置になっていて、舞台構成も前側にキャストが出てきて見えやすかったです。生声+生演奏で、1階席だったので表情まで見えた・・・。Be our guest の曲のシーンでは、ディズニーのエレクトリカルパレード並みの電飾が舞台周りを彩っていたり、ストロボが光ったり、タップダンスが披露されたり。ダンスシーンでは、ベルの黄色のドレスの眩い宝石と美しさと二人の優雅さに見とれたり。
休憩時間では、ここで人気のアイスクリームを食べました。チョコが美味しく染み渡った。ちなみにイギリスはカード社会。ここにきて2週間ぐらいですが、現金を使ったのはジャコバイト号のパンフレットを買った時のみ。手のひらサイズのクレジット決済できる端末があります。Apple payを私は活用しています。

帰りはすぐ近くの1875年開業の歴史あるデパート「LIBERTY」へ。建物から階段まで全て木製。エスカレーターはないので、エレベーターのみでした。2台なので来るまで、ゆったり待ったり。この中にあるARTHUR'S CAFEで、ついに憧れのアフタヌーンティーセットにご対面。一番美味しいイギリスご飯だった・・・。向かいの座席のおばあさんが何も言ってないのに気を遣ってくれて、写真を撮ってくれました。ありがとうございます!

今日の音楽 Disney「Beauy and the Beast」
あと少し イギリスの風 感じつつ

I spent the morning in my room today. In the next country, the United States, an exit ticket is also required at the time of entry, so I bought it for Europe. I hope I can reach San Francisco safely by the end of August. I went to The London Palladium to see the musical of Beauty and the Beast. Very popular with almost full seats. All the videos at Disney's house were in English. There was a time when I thought it would be nice if there was dubbing in Japanese, but now that I think about it, I thought again that the English version was good. Walt Disney World in Florida, which I had been watching on video since I was little, because I strongly wanted to go abroad. It was Disney that led me overseas. Not only the famous songs of Disney movies, but also the songs limited to musicals, the feelings of each cast were well expressed. The interior is a traditional theater with the luxury of a castle. The audience seats were arranged so that everyone could see the stage well, and the stage composition was easy to see with the cast appearing on the front side. With live voice and live music, I could see the facial expressions because it was on the first floor.

In the Be our guest song scene, Disney's electrical parade-like lights decorate the stage, strobes shine, and tap dance is performed. In the dance scene, you can admire the dazzling jewels and beauty of Bell's yellow dress and their elegance. I was moved by the fact that it was real, and I spilled tears several times. During the break, I ate a popular ice cream here. The chocolate was deliciously permeated. By the way, England is a card society. It's been about two weeks since I came here, but I only used cash when I bought the Jacobite pamphlet. There are terminals that accept palm-sized credit cards. I use Apple pay.

On the way back, head to the historic department store "LIBERTY", which opened in 1875. Everything from the building to the stairs is made of wood. There was no escalator, so it was only an elevator. Since there are two, wait relaxedly until you come. At ARTHUR'S CAFE in this, finally meet the longed-for afternoon tea set. It was the most delicious British rice ... The old woman in the opposite seat took care of me even though she didn't say anything and took a picture. thank you! Moist tuna ham sand, scones with butter and jam, pistachio macaroons, chocolate cake, lemon tart, raspberry cake, etc. English tea was not astringent and it was as easy to drink as water even if I drank 3 cups. The clerk noticed me well and was kind and had a nice atmosphere. There is no particular dress code, so feel free to put it in. A fire alarm sounded at the nearest station, and it suddenly became unusable. I went home while making a detour a little, wondering if there was such a thing. It was another day I learned.

Today's music Disney "Beauy and the Beast" Feeling a little more British wind[haiku]

ひとりの人間の真摯な仕事は  おもいもかけない遠いところで  小さな小さな渦巻きをつくる           「小さな渦巻き」茨城のりこ