










今日の音楽: Aimer「Torches」
砂時計 さらさら流る この時も

[Day 147-154] Just as it was.
I saw a funeral in the village of Machu Picchu. The people surrounding the coffin were saddened and flowers were thrown on the road, but the sound of trumpets and drums neutralized it nicely. It was similar to the feeling of sending off the deceased with a Hawaiian song.

As I drove from El Alto International Airport, 4,000 meters above sea level, I was struck by a floating sensation as I looked down on La Paz, Bolivia. I felt like I was in outer space surrounded by orange stars. During the day, colorful tin roofs in orange, white, and blue greet you. Pedestrians walk along the streets and shopping malls fill the sidewalks, and buses with their doors fully open slowly move forward, their horns honking. The smell of gasoline fills the air, occasionally mixed with the smell of food and sewage.
It is lively, yet calm and safe. I felt safer walking than in Italy.

We moved from La Paz to Uyuni, and our pickup was an air-conditioned car mixed with sand. Salt is being manufactured in the Colchani salt fields, but even if you make 50 kg of salt, it will only cost you about $2. By the time the hexagonal Salar de Uyuni begins to greet us, our hands and eyes are dry. When I scoop up the rough ground and lick it, it still tastes salty. It has a delicious flavor similar to that of Okinawan mars. The local vegetable and meat dishes prepared by our driver are always delicious, and the flavors of the ingredients are always well expressed.

I close my eyes and walk to the end of the flat land. I can hear the roar of the wind.
The driver continues along the roadless path, blocking out the sun with his palms and checking the position of the mountains. The drivers have this magical power to find the mirrored plains of Uyuni, created by the occasional rainfall, from the white plains to the horizon.

The long journey brings with it a sore butt and the occasional power outage, and as we move through the desert like the Paris-Dakar Rally, we almost lose the memory of the rivers and buildings. I lost track of where I was at the red lake of the Laguna Colorada, the pink flamingos, and the geyser at Sol de Mañana, 5000 meters above sea level that looks like Mars. Only the smell of sulfur left a certain presence in my nose.

On the way back, I felt a sense of relief as I gradually regained color from the yellow sand world, seeing greenery, rivers, alpacas, birds, and buildings.
A few dozen meters away, countless alpacas were grazing. Birds spread their wings and fluttered about the lake. Inescapable droppings spread across the land.
Only the scent of the meadow wafts through the air. As I was walking along, thinking about how I was going to live, my eyes met those of a lone alpaca. It was only for about ten seconds, but I felt as if it was telling me, "It's okay to just be.

It was a long eight-hour drive back to La Paz from Uyuni. Occasionally I would hear the sound of drivers shopping through the window or exchanging money at the entrance to the highway. Occasionally I would wake up and see the lights of the town or the constellation of Orion.
The driver laughed at us as we took our first bathroom break in four hours, saying, "The bathrooms here aren't very good," but we couldn't turn our backs. We received toilet paper and began the most difficult restroom time of our lives.
First of all, the women's restroom was locked, so I headed for the men's restroom. The private room with no lock was filled with the accumulated stench of the toilet. Praying that no one would come in, I did my business in the toilet with no running water. There was no soap, but I was able to get by for the time being.

I felt relieved when I saw the lights of La Paz. The sunset in Uyuni looks like the entrance to the other side of the world. The dawn seen from the plane from Bolivia to Peru has no boundary between the sky and the earth. I feel that there is no clear boundary between life and death. Everyone is progressing at the same speed. Maybe we are given time to accept it.

One day during the tour, I had an accident and the front right side of my car was severely damaged. I had first aid, but the bumper was lifted by wind pressure from oncoming traffic, and for a moment I couldn't see out of the corner of my eye. I arrived in Santiago, Chile, to find my bag torn open and my suitcase covered in shampoo. It's funny how unpredictable things are...Vamos!

Today's Music: "Torches" by Aimer
Hourglass, flowing, even at this hour[haiku]

ひとりの人間の真摯な仕事は  おもいもかけない遠いところで  小さな小さな渦巻きをつくる           「小さな渦巻き」茨城のりこ