バークシャー・ハザウェイ年次総会2021:ハイライトとストーリーライン (4) シェブロンについて (2021/05/03 Yahoo! finance)

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2021: Highlights and storylines (4)

2:27 p.m. ET: Buffett defends investment in Chevron says he has 'no compunction about owning it in the least'

One shareholder asked Buffett about Berkshire's decision to invest in the oil and gas industry, and queried whether we might have "build our own unrealistic consensus on the pace of change" to clean energy solutions. Buffett defended the company's investment in the industry and in Chevron specifically, which was a relatively recent investment for the firm.

"I would say that people are on the extremes of both sides are a little nuts. I would hate to have all the hydrocarbons banned in three years," Buffett said. "You wouldn't want a world — it wouldn't work. And on the other hand, what's happening will be adapted to over time just as we've adapted to all kinds of things."

2:27 p.m. (米国東部時間): バフェットはシェブロンへの投資を擁護し、『少なくとも、所有することに何のためらいもない』と述べた。



compunction (名)良心の呵責、罪の意識にさいなまれること kəmpʌ́ŋkʃən
query  (他動)疑問を抱く、(人に)質問する
unrealistic (形)非現実的な、現実離れした
extreme (名)極端
nuts  (形)(俗)気が狂った、気の変な、ばかげた、くだらない、あほくさい
ban  (他動)(法律により~を)禁じる、禁止する、
adapt (他動) (異なる状況に)適応(順応・変化)させる (自動)適応する

"We have no problem owning Costco or Walmart and a substantial number of their stores. And they sell cigarettes, it's a big item," he added as an analogy. "It's a very tough situation ... It's a very tough time to decide what companies benefit societies more than others."

"I don't like making the moral judgments on stocks in terms of actually running the businesses, but there's something about every business that you knew that you wouldn't like," he added. "If you expect perfection in your spouse or in your friends or in companies you're not going to find it."

"Chevron is not an evil company in the least, and I have no compunction about owning it in the least, about owning Chevron," Buffett concluded. "And if we owned the entire business I would not feel uncomfortable about being in that business."




analogy  (名) 例示、例え、比喩
in terms of  ~に関して、~の観点から(言うと、言えば、見ると)
spouse  (名)配偶者、生涯の伴侶  spáus
compunction (名)良心の呵責、罪の意識にさいなまれること kəmpʌ́ŋkʃən

Answering a subsequent question about the Berkshire board of directors' recommendation to vote against reporting climate-related risks, Munger added, "I don't know we know the answer to all these questions about global warming."

"The people who ask the questions think they know the answer. We're just more modest."

気候関連リスクの報告に反対する投票を、バークシャーの取締役会が推奨していることについての質問に答えて、Munger 氏は「地球温暖化に関するそのようなすべての質問に対する答えを、私たちが知っているとは思えない」と付け加えた。


subsequent (形)(時間や順序が)次の、後の、それに続く、その後の、後続の  sʌ́bsəkwənt
board of directors  取締役会、理事会、重役会、役員会
global warming  地球温暖化
