
住みやすい街ランキング|Popular City Ranking


The city rankings that are easy to live in and the popular city rankings are often announced in the news. I was only thinking about it, but recently I often feel the difference between cities, towns and villages. With the birth of my daughter, I learned for the first time that support from childbirth and childcare to nursery school is different at the ward level. The procedure for vaccination with corona is also different. Priority measures such as state of emergency and prevention of sickness are also issued by the administrative division. No matter what area or stations I wanted to live in, I didn't even think about the differences between administrative divisions. Local governments are appealing for their hometown tax payments, but in the future it may be an era in which it is important to appeal to each ward in order to acquire residents. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki

#Foundmemo #住みたい街 #人気の街 #行政サービス #56歳の子育て #GoGo親バカ
