
Loss due to discommunication.

hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

Well, today I would like to brush up on my past blog about "Losing with discommunication".

First of all, today's story, if you think it was "good", please share it😁

Now for the main topic.

​At work today, a colleague came over and started talking at his convenience.​
​​(People who don't ask if it's okay to talk to them right now, but they're bad employees. The reason is that they might be concentrating on important work right now. I think everyone is the same, but when you're concentrating, you don't want to lose your concentration.If the cause is someone in the same office, it's even more frustrating.When you're obviously relaxed. It is possible to talk to someone, but you should be able to tell the difference just by looking at the atmosphere.However, if you can't tell the difference, I recommend that you ask the other person honestly.Also, it's self-convenient.This is for personal reasons. It's quite troublesome.If you want to ask about why this self-convenience is troublesome, I will reply on my official LINE.I will paste the ID and QR code at the bottom of this blog. Please register from

Normally, I'd listen to casual conversations, but at that time I was completely focused on doing my own work, so I listened to the talks almost empty-handed.

As I listened to the story, I felt like I was being abrupt, so I thought, "I'm sorry," but I was careful.

But is that colleague aware or not? I will talk more and more without hesitation.

​​(People who keep talking for their own convenience are really insensitive. In a sense, it's true that they are highly insensitive, but it's the wrong way to use it. However, if you can't be aware that you have a high level of insensitivity, you will end up using it in strange places.So, first of all, awareness is the first step to control I will also answer on my official LINE about how to do that and how to find strengths such as insensitivity.)

Of course, I don't remember what that colleague said at all, and even if I only heard fragments, I only remember that it was "Are you talking about that now?" .
​(On the other hand, as a listener, it is better to be aware of the method of ``giving back and replying appropriately''. On the contrary, most people don't care too much and just keep talking.In the end, they just want their story to be heard.Therefore, it's stressful to hear from someone other than someone important to you. is better, you don't have to listen seriously.)​

If it's important or interesting, I'll stop the work in front of me and listen to it, but at that time I probably didn't care at all.

(Here, let's define "listening earnestly." What kind of attitude does listening intently mean? Is it listening while watching TV? Or is it listening in the newspaper? They're both different, right?Yes, when you really listen, you look at each other face-to-face and don't do anything but really listen to what the other person is saying. On the other hand, listening to someone on the sidelines means that you are not listening seriously, so I think you can measure the lack of a relationship with the other person.)​​

``You're saying something next to me, aren't you?''
That's what I thought.

(However, talking itself has a great meaning. It relieves stress. You can speak honestly about what you want people to hear, and it feels refreshing when you give it all away. It's not that it's "evil".To the bosses who read this blog, please get in touch with your subordinates' nonsense.

In other words, if you don't know what the other person is interested in at that time, you won't hear much no matter what they say.

Even if he replied, it was just an empty reply, and even if he thought he did, it didn't get through.

You can't say that you've communicated with them, especially if you're talking about something important.
​​(This is one of the reasons why discommunication occurs at work. When the other person is not interested, no matter how much you communicate, it won't get across. , It happens that the other person doesn't get it.The composition is the same for those who are worried about not continuing the conversation.The way to continue the conversation is to first know the other person's interest. .)

That's why I felt that if you want to convey important things properly, you need to check properly at the beginning and end.
​​​(However, people hate it when they ask you to be checked too much, but it's good to check at key points. It doesn't take much time. If you want to know about the timing, please contact my official LINE. I will answer you, so please register as a friend.)​​​

So how was today's talk?

Due to the number of characters, we are inviting you to the official LINE, but please understand.

If you enjoyed today's story, please share it with your friends.

See you soon ✌️
