
How to stimulate conversation by knowing the characteristics of the female brain and the male brain.

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today I'm going to brush up my past blog about "How to have a conversation by knowing the characteristics of the female brain and the male brain".

First of all, if you say "It was good" about today's story, please share it😁

Now is the main topic.

Isn't it time for people to listen to stories that don't have a punchline or stories that don't have any fruit?

(You say it's a lot, especially for women. By the way, in the first place, women are said to have high communication skills as one of the abilities they were originally born with. It seems that there are various theories about this, but after all, what I believe is that because of the power, it was necessary to communicate in order to coexist and live with others. So, regardless of whether there is a punchline or not, I have gradually acquired the ability to talk to a lot of people. Otherwise, if it were primitive times, they would be attacked by wild animals and died, so if they were alone. But living with multiple people and living while communicating, I think this is how the ability and communication skills that were needed to survive the most as a woman were updated. So, there is a way to take advantage of this characteristic and get along well with women. In terms of bosses, subordinates, seniors, juniors, and at home, if your wife, children, sisters, or gender is female, it will work for almost everyone. So, if you are interested in how to communicate with women or how to make relationships, please let me know once. I will explain until I understand it carefully.)

"Eh! What are you talking about?" Or, "What happened to that?" Or, "What?" And it's a pretty quick thing to be told after talking.

(On the contrary, men need a punch line. The end of the story is a conclusion, but unlike women, the male brain needs this conclusion. The reason why I became such a male brain, just like women, I couldn't live without going hunting and getting results when I was a hunting people. That's why I think men are required to speak in a way that requires results. So, if you have any concerns about how to communicate with men, how to build relationships, or about this, we will answer you carefully, so I hope you can comment once.)

This time, I will talk about tips on how to tell such a story to the other person naturally.

You will also be good at chatting, so please make use of it.

The timing of that story is not to talk when you want to say it, but when you are having another conversation that is completely unrelated, when the same word comes out, it is recommended to put it on that word and start talking.

(You don't really understand what you're talking about, do you? I don't understand the meaning even if I read it myself now.)

For example, "If I say 〇〇, it was the other day." Or, "If that's the case, it's the same as my 〇〇 the other day." Or, "There is such a thing as 〇〇. At my time..." or something.

It means to start talking with these conjunctions.

(Do you understand? No matter what the story is, the keyword will always come out. It's like playing an association game based on that keyword. For example, when we start talking about bananas, we talk about bananas. When I'm talking about cars, I'll show off my own stories about cars. But if you suddenly start talking about yourself, the flow and rhythm of the conversation will be interrupted and the listener will be uncomfortable, so in order not to do so, put the phrase as mentioned above into the end of the other person's conversation and do not interrupt the flow of the conversation. It is.)

If you take this method, you can talk about things without punches naturally and talk to the other person smoothly, and the other person will say, "Eh! What about the punchline?" I don't want to get a tsukkomi.

(However, this alone is a little insufficient, and with this method, there is a possibility that my story will be flowed quite a lot, but I will listen to it. By adding another technique there, you will be able to listen to your story that is easy to be swept away. The method is ... to listen to the reaction of the other person well. If you do that, the law of recitability will work, so by listening to the other person's story well, you can listen to the reaction well in return for your own story.)

Moreover, it doesn't cut off the flow of the story.

By all means, when you have a story that you want to hear, if there is someone who thinks, "I can't tell people because I don't have a punch line," please try it.

It's relatively natural, and even useless stories can be told to the other person well.

See you later✌️

So how was this story today?

I send out various information like this at 6 o'clock every morning.

We will tell you various information related to people, such as how to communicate, how to make good relationships, how to raise subordinates and children, how to deal with bosses and subordinates, friends and partners.

So, if you have various problems related to people, please contact us once.

I'm waiting for you.

So, if you say "It was good" about today's story, please introduce it to your friends.

Nice to meet you.
