
A miserable end waiting for people with weak questioning skills

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.WAKU Chare Lab's Sai&Co. It is.

Well, today I'm going to talk about "the miserable end waiting for people with weak questioning skills".

But before that, please.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If so, please share it with your friends😁

Then it's the main topic.

Well, everyone.

Have you ever thought about your ability to ask questions?

Even so, I don't know what you're talking about, and for those who don't understand, I'll explain it lightly once.

First of all, it's the word questioning power, but when I googled it, I got a proper answer.

It said, "Skills to clarify what you want to know through questions and build relationships with the other person."

That's exactly right.

Especially important is to clear what I want to know, and I feel that this is more important.

I feel that building a relationship with the other person is not a by-product of what I aimed at from the beginning, but what I got as a result.

Well, such a thing doesn't matter now, there was a thing that said "it's important" again about this questioning ability, so I will talk about it today based on that.

That's because, just the other day, an acquaintance's car broke down.

So it costs 300,000 yen to repair the car.

Because it's expensive, that person says he's not sure whether to buy a new car, so I thought that person wanted to do something about the car at a cheap price.

So what I said was, "Then why don't you look for used car parts?" I gave it back.

It's assumed that you'll fix it and ride it.

Then, after a while, I got a reply from that acquaintance, and the word that came back was, "There are various troubles in second-hand, so I'll buy a new car after all."

Well, even if you think about it normally, it's a normal conversation that can be found everywhere.

People who don't care won't care about anything.

But if you go a little deeper into the inside story, I think I gave the best advice based on the other person's state of mind.

That's why I thought the answer would be like that.

But that other person didn't listen to my advice and made another choice.

When this happens, most people will say, "My position where I gave advice is ..."

Moreover, in my case, it was the result of asking various people for a lot of information, so to be honest, "Give me back my effort," something comes to my mind.

Well, it's my fault that I moved on my own because I thought it was good, but in that way, by moving on my own with only assumptions, I did what the other person didn't want, and I did it alone because I thought it was just my assumption and good. Because of that reason, human relationships can be broken little by little like a self-damage accident.

Well, let's go back to the main topic, but then why did this happen? It's because of my questioning power.

One of the reasons is that my question was too rough.

Of course, I'm going to write it on tomorrow's blog, but I think there was a problem with the response ability of acquaintances.

However, this time I will proceed with the story on the premise that I was bad, but the quality and quantity of my questions were not enough at all.

In other words, in the case I mentioned this time, I only took the fact that "300,000 is expensive" and already thought that "this person wants to get a car at a cheap price" in myself.

Then, naturally, this time, "Then how do you get a car cheaply?" It is the mechanism of the organ called the brain to think about it, so as a result, I found an answer that can be fixed cheaply and presented it, but it was not the answer that the other person wanted.

In other words, I didn't clear what I wanted to know at all.

What I wanted to know was what the other person wanted.

I didn't clear that, so I used my time and effort to give an answer in vain.

Well, I learned a lot this time too.

There are many things that you know in your head and that you still can't do when it comes to practice.

So, what I should have done here was to spend more time asking questions and find out what the other person really wanted.

Do you want to fix a broken car?

Or do you want a new car?

Is it okay to spend a little money?

Or do you want to keep it at a low price?

How much can I pay?

By asking various questions like this, I will clear the other person's thoughts more and more.

By doing this, our thoughts will also be clear.

If that happens, each other's thoughts will almost match, so we will derive the optimal solution from it.

This was the direct attack method this time.

So, don't you all have the same experience?

I think what I've talked about so far is quite scattered in everyday life.

Moreover, there are many people who are selfishly bad in human relations because of such a trivial matter, so please be careful from now on so that it doesn't happen.

Is today's conclusion enough?

Shall I tell you at the end?

The tragic end of waiting for people with weak questioning skills is that they will destroy human relationships.

So how was it?

Today's story.

Every day like this, I use psychology, brain science, personality analysis, and various things about how to communicate well, how to communicate well, how to live without destroying relationships, and make a blog in an easy-to-understand manner.

So, if you are interested in today's blog, please bring your finger to this other blog once.

Everything can be read in about 5 minutes.

We accept questions, impressions, and consultations from the official LINE.

I will also post stories that I couldn't write, so I'm waiting for your registration.

Finally, if you say that today's story was good, please introduce it to your friends.

See you later✌️
