
The impression changes drastically with the words you use.

Hello, everyone.

Sai & Co. WAKU Chare Labo's Sai & Co. It is.

Well, today, I'm going to talk about "the impression changes drastically with the words I use" while brushing up my past blog.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If that's the way, please share it😁

Then it's the main topic.

A long time ago, there was a famous story about what Soseki Natsume said or didn't say.

When translating "I love you", please translate it as "The moon is beautiful."

Both of these mean "I like you", but when you listen to the actual words, don't you have a completely different impression?

When I hear "I love you", I feel a little embarrassed, probably because of the nature of being Japanese.

But when I said, "The moon is beautiful," I feel a little scratchy, but I can only think, "Oh, the moon is really beautiful," so it's much easier to say, isn't it?

In other words, even if the meaning is the same, the impression will be different with the words you choose.

Do you understand?

Did the analogy jump a little too far?

Actually, I'll confess, but I just wanted to use the word, "The moon is beautiful."

I'm sorry, then I'll compare it to a little easier-to-understand words.

There are other words to use when conveying favors to the other person.

That's right, the easiest thing to understand is "I like you" or "I love you"?

There are other things like "Yes" and "It's good", but with this word, it's a little difficult to understand that feeling depending on the age, so for the time being, let's use "I like you" and "I love you" this time.

These two words, as I've said before, are both words used to convey favor to the other party, right?

But isn't it the impression you get from those two words?

Those who "I like it" are somewhat young, or they feel pale and naive.

On the other hand, those who say "I love you" feel like they are mature or smart.

In other words, I repeat the same thing, but depending on the words you choose, the impression the other person receives will be different.

Yes, I finally got the same correct answer as the previous example here.

How was it?

Wasn't it easy to understand this time?

Then I'll talk about it, but this is a language law common to all words.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

For example, even if I say "I hate you", I actually like you.

So I'm not saying that everything has the same feelings as words, but often this law of "depending on the words you choose, the impression the other party receives is different" is valid.

When you are told "I hate you" and when you are told to "disappear", you feel that the power of words is stronger.

It's like this.

So, when you use words, just a little bit is fine, so why don't you choose the words to use according to the purpose?

If you do that, there is no doubt that you will be able to avoid unnecessary troubles.

So how was today's story?

Every day like this, I blog about how to communicate good words, how to make good human relationships, and how to communicate.

So if you are interested in today's blog, please come to the past blog.

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Well, last but if you say that today's story was good, please share it with your friends.

See you later✌️
